

1. Ask students to write a review of the play.  Have them evaluate the play in each of four individual categories: 1) script  2) performances 3) design, 4) overall impressions. Once they have written each paragraph, have the students combine them into one cohesive review.  Send your students’ reviews of the play to the NAC for inclusion on our blog!

2. Ask students to write a maximum 200-word synopsis of thirsty.  If their synopses were the only information that someone would ever have about the play, what would it be most important to include?   

3. Ask the students which images created on the stage made the strongest visual impressions, and write a list of the answers given.  Go down the list and discuss how each image supported the text.  Encourage students to think about the story as told by the imagery.

4. Ask students to write letters from the perspective of one character to another. What are the innermost thoughts and feelings of that character?

5. Divide the students into pairs, with one member of each pair adopting the role of an interviewer and the other the role of a character in the play.  Have the students playing interviewers write interview questions, and then have each pair conduct their interview in front of the class.  Challenge them to craft questions that will elicit more than short factual responses or yes/no answers.  The students playing the characters will answer the interview questions based on what they have learned and observed about the character.

6.  a) Ask students to write and/or perform their own original poems, on a subject that’s important to them.

            b) Ask students to write and/or perform their own original poems, specifically inspired by the play.

7. a) Ask students to write a monologue for the character of Girl.  Give us insight into her private thoughts that we aren't privy to in the play.

            b) Ask students to do the same for the character of Chloe.