In 2035, a podcaster investigating the mysterious disappearances that befell a young family a decade earlier near Toronto’s Trinity Bellwoods Park sets the scene for a suspenseful narrative about a...
A lonely radio host, broadcasting from a far shore in Newfoundland, inadvertently opens a transmission portal between times. The story that unfolds offers an unforgettable journey from the past, to...
Julien Morissette s’entretient avec Claude Poissant au sujet de Faire le bien, une création de François Archambault et Gabrielle Chapdelaine mettant en scène les membres du Collectif 2024, qui est...
Making Love with the Land is a startling, challenging, uncompromising look at what it means to live as an Indigenous person “in the rupture” between identities. In these ten unique,...
Centretown, 2044: Twenty years of vertical growth has merged the skyline into an organic life form of its own, teeming with scavengers of all sorts, from raccoons to radio repairmen....
Val Tétreau is a small Gatineau neighbourhood nestled above a bay on the Ottawa river and to the south of a major thoroughfare street between Hull and Aylmer. In 2044,...
Richy, a young cyborg, has been tasked with decontaminating and rebuilding Ottawa decades after the 2026 earthquake precipitated an explosion at the Nuclear Power Plant in the ex-capital. Vanier, once...
In this final episode, Dian and Nina sit down with playwright, songwriter, and performer Velvet Wells, who now resides in Ottawa. They discuss the Black Pledge, social justice movements within...
In this episode, Nina and Dian sit down with Pip Bradford, an independent producer, production manager, stage manager, and member of the Means of Production. They discuss the current state...
In this episode, Dian and Nina converse with Jeanne LeSage, a leading arts consultant specializing in strategic human resources, organizational development, effective governance and leadership transitions. They discuss the current...