The National Arts Centre mourns the death of Yulanda Faris
April 24, 2015The National Arts Centre (NAC) mourns the passing of Yulanda Faris, a champion for the arts in Vancouver for more than 40 years, a member of the NAC’s Board of Trustees, and recipient of the 2010 Governor General’s Award for Voluntarism in the Performing Arts. Mrs. Faris represented…
Public Policy Forum honours Peter Herrndorf as a Canadian nation builder
April 24, 2015On April 16, 2015 Peter Herrndorf delivered a moving speech about the importance of the arts in Canada in front of an audience of 1,000 people at the Metro Convention Centre in Toronto. He was introduced by the Premier of Ontario Kathleen Wynne and was honoured as a Canadian nation builder…
Hip-hop in Baker Lake, Nunavut
April 22, 2015The Music Alive Program: Nunavut funded a hip-hop week in Baker Lake from March 9 to March 12. Nelson Tagoona, who performed at the NAC’s Northern Scene a couple of years ago, taught eight workshops on a style he’s credited with inventing— an entirely new category of music called throat-…
Brigitte Haentjens crosses swords with Shakespeare
April 16, 2015By Raymond Bertin (Text first published in the Théâtre français' Cahier SIX) First in March at the TNM, then in April at the NAC, Sébastien Ricard incarnates the tyrant king Richard III, supported by a cast of top-notch actors. Under the Sibyllines banner, Brigitte Haentjens directs a…
La figure de Richard III
April 14, 2015- This text is only available in French - Par CATHERINE GIRARDIN Texte paru dans le Cahier SIX du Théâtre français Excroissance maligne Sans doute notre époque s’intéresse-t-elle au théâtre élisabéthain parce qu’il met en avant la personne, l’individu, des intérêts…
From the truck to the stage
April 10, 2015The National Ballet of Canada's production of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is a dazzling over-the-top extravaganza that truly delights audiences. The sets, costumes and equipment required for this magnificent ballet fill nine tractor trailers and it takes an expert team to assemble this…
Governor General Performing Arts Awards: Shining the spotlight on this year’s laureates
April 9, 2015Montreal—Winners of the Governor General Performing Arts Awards were announced at a news conference at the PHI Centre in Montreal. The 2015 laureates for the highest honour in the performing arts in Canada are: Walter Boudreau, C.M. Composer, conductor and artistic director Atom Egoyan,…
Robert Lepage speaks about ‘Needles and Opium’
April 9, 2015Theatrical wizard Robert Lepage’s Needles and Opium arrives at the National Arts Centre through a unique collaboration between the NAC English Theatre, Théâtre français and Canada’s Magnetic North Theatre Festival. Originally created in 1991 when Lepage was Artistic Director of Théâtre…
Take Me Back to Jefferson
April 2, 2015The National Arts Centre is proud to present some of Canada’s most creative artists and arts organizations on its stages, and Theatre Smith-Gilmour is no exception. The highly acclaimed Toronto company has a 35-year history of producing highly engaging, award-winning works. Their production…
“Art should force us into the streets!” – André Breton
April 1, 2015We don’t say it often enough: The NAC French Theatre is an amazing space of artistic freedom. In an age where conformity and compliance are seen as desirable (which admittedly makes things easier from an accounting point of view), it is precious to have access to a few spaces, a few places…
It Takes Two
April 1, 2015Gerda and Kay. Téqui and Téoù. Brévalaire and Lénaïque. Brice and Katia. A demiurge surrounded by his colourful creatures. Adolescents hanging out with none other than Antigone. And so on … On the French Theatre stage this season, the Other is never far away. We sense it, we bump into it…
Nicholas Atkinson interviews Alexander Shelley
March 24, 2015The NACOcast, a classical music podcast produced by the National Arts Centre, regularly rates in the top five classical music podcasts on iTunes. Hosted by Nicholas Atkinson, Principal Tuba of the NAC Orchestra, the series explores the broad world of orchestral music and its great…
March 19, 2015This text is only available in French Par Anne-Marie Guilmaine Texte publié dans le Cahier SIX du Théâtre français Il existe de multiples noyades. Des noyades dans l’eau glacée; le corps qui ne s’accroche plus à rien, pas même à la rambarde du pont. Des noyades dans les mers…
Molly Johnson sets the stage for Ontario Scene
March 18, 2015When Molly Johnson walked on stage at the programming announcement for Ontario Scene she had the audience in the palm of her hand. Her trademark smokey voice and sassy stage presence transported her listeners from an afternoon press launch to a late night club. Bille Holiday's music has…
Richard III: Colossal venture by Brigitte Haentjens a huge success
March 17, 2015After nearly three years of hard work, Shakespeare’s Richard III was at last on the stage of the Théâtre du Nouveau Monde in Montreal, and will soon be presented at the NAC’s Théâtre français in April. In staging this monumental piece, director Brigitte Haentjens worked closely with…