The NAC remains open during this Canada Day weekend.


Andrea Peña, Edward Burtynsky, & Alexander Shelley

2024-09-10 20:00 2024-09-11 23:00 60 Canada/Eastern 🎟 NAC: UAQUE

In-person event

An NAC Dance and Orchestra co-commission 

Andrea Peña & Artists
Edward Burtynsky, photographer
Alexander Shelley, conductor
With the NAC Orchestra

Andrea Peña, a Colombian-Canadian choreographer with a distinctively unique style, channels her keen awareness of contemporary issues into a hybrid journey between dance and industrial design. Noted for her meticulous conceptual creations, she fosters deep dialogue between the body...

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Southam Hall,1 Elgin Street,Ottawa,Canada
September 10 - 11, 2024

≈ 75 minutes · No intermission

Our programs have gone digital.

Scan the QR code at the venue's entrance to read the program notes before the show begins.


Arvo Pärt

Symphony No 4 (selections)

Arvo Pärt

Cantus in Memoriam Benjamin Britten

Felix Gourd

Original Composition


Listening Underwater

Keiko Devaux (b. 1982) is a contemporary music composer based in Montréal. Her approach embraces a love of electroacoustic sounds and methodology by manipulating and distorting acoustic sound with digital tools, and then transcribing or re-translating these back into musical notation and the acoustic realm. Her interests include emotional experience and affect, auto-organizational phenomena in nature and living beings, as well as “genre-blurring” by layering and juxtaposing contrasting melodic/harmonic skeletal elements of highly contrasting sonic sources. The distortion of the temporal, frequency, and timbral attributes allow the blurring between traditional tonal sounds and more electroacoustic-inspired “noise” gestures. 

Keiko’s works have been performed in Canada, France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, the United States, and Israel by various ensembles. She has received numerous prizes and awards, including most recently a JUNO Award for Classical Composition of the Year (for Arras, 2022), the Prix Opus for Composer of the Year (2022), and the inaugural Azrieli Commission for Canadian Music in 2020 (the largest of its kind in Canada and one of the largest in the world).

From 2020 to 2022, Keiko was in residence with the NAC Orchestra as a Carrefour Composer. Listening Underwater was commissioned by NACO as part of this program, and tonight’s performance is the work’s world premiere. She provides the following description about her piece: 

The inspiration for this work brought together my general interest in hydro-acoustics with underwater noise pollution and the effect it has on sea-life communication. For this piece I focused particularly on the communicative sounds of toothed and baleen whales. Toothed whales, which include orcas and dolphins, use echolocation to communicate, navigate, and hunt whereas baleen whales produce a series of sounds or “songs” to communicate. Using these two types of vocalizations as inspiration points created a nice contrast between echolocation—a series of clicks and pops—in the ultrasonic range, with the pitch-bending/wavering “songs” produced by baleen whales in the infrasonic range creating two very distinct frequency bands.

The piece establishes and builds an underwater environment of organic ambient noise including surface waves, deeper swells, general underwater movement, and an overall muffled quality with frequencies in the mid-range more attenuated highlighting the extreme high and low intermittent and droned sounds. Eventually the underwater communication, expressed as foreground melodic themes is introduced. These thematic motifs are presented as communicative calls in one section of the orchestra receiving a response in another section often truncated or diffused in nature. As these call-response motifs continue to build and develop in nature, the thrum of human noise (ships, machinery, drilling, etc.) begins its slow crescendo. As this crescendo builds, the calls adapt by adjusting their frequency range higher or lower. Eventually, as the noise builds, the responses become more distant, diffused, disfigured, and ultimately lost. As this crescendo reaches its climax, the underwater calls and responses are stamped out, and the ocean is “silent” again. As the piece comes to an end, melodies are slowly reborn and begin to call out again, first to no response, and eventually life and communication rebuilds and reemerges. 


Ramifications for string orchestra

Giacomo Puccini

I Crisantemi (Chrysanthemums)


Komm susser Tod


  • andrea-pena
    Choreographer Andrea Peña
  • ezgif-3-5d71243a56-cropped
    Photographer Ed Burtynsky
  • Music Director and Conductor Alexander Shelley
  • Featuring NAC Orchestra
  • Artistic Direction Andrea Peña
  • Choreography Andrea Peña in collaboration with the performing artists
  • Photography and Video Edward Burtynsky
  • Projection Design Bobby León
  • Music Alexander Shelley with the National Arts Centre Orchestra and Eƨƨe Ran
  • Performers Gabrielle Kachan, Jontae McCrory, Jo Laïny Trozzo-Mounet, Francois Richard, Rebecca Margolick, James Phillips, Myriam Arseneault, James Viveiros, Justin Calvadores
  • Lighting Design Hugo Dalphond
  • Scenography Jonathan Saucier
  • Executive Producer (NAC) Caroline Ohrt
  • Senior Producer (NAC) Tina Legari
  • Producer (Edward Burtynsky) Julia Johnston
  • Producer (AP&A) Isabella Salas
  • Communications & Logistics Polina Boltova
  • Production Manager Alex Gazale
  • Technical Director Conrad St-Gelais
  • Video Chief Gabriel Ranon
  • Digital Asset Coordination and Consultation Jim Panou
  • Production Consultant Marcus Schubert
  • Promotional photography Jeanne Tétreault, Bobby León & Jonathan Auger, Rodolfo Rueda
  • Video Direction (Teaser) Bobby León
  • Promotional video-Director of Photography Jonathan Auger
  • Documentary video Agustina Isidori
  • Director of finance Connie Hitzeroth
  • Head of Business Affairs Julia Johnston
  • Director of Studio Operations, Gallery Relations Karen Machtinger
  • Project Coordinator, Field Producer Jim Panou
  • Director of Publications, Exhibitions & Special Projects Marcus Schubert
  • Studio Manager McKenzie Grey
  • Archivist & Manager of Production Paul Sergeant
  • Media & Communications Manager, Production Coordinator, Special Projects Alanna Smith
  • Andrea Peña & Artists has received the support from Conseil des arts du Canada Conseil Des Arts et Lettres du Québec Conseil des Arts de Montréal National Arts Centre

International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees