Emeritus Circle

List complete as of July 10, 2024

The Emeritus Circle pays tribute to those who have provided a gift for the future, through a bequest in their will, a gift of life insurance or other planned giving arrangements.  We thank these donors for leaving a legacy to the performing arts.

  • Cavaliere Pasqualina Pat Adamo
  • The Estate of Dr. & Mrs. A.W. Adey
  • Edward & Jane Anderson
  • The Bluma Appel National Arts Centre Trust
  • John Arnold
  • Gail Asper, O.C., O.M., LL.D. & Michael Paterson
  • The Morris & Beverly Baker Foundation
  • Daryl M. Banke & P. Mark Hussey
  • David Beattie
  • Mary B. Bell
  • Pierre & Hugette Bernier
  • Catherine Black
  • Vic & Flo Boyko
  • Erika & Geoffrey F. Bruce
  • Ann Buchanan
  • Margaret Campbell
  • Brenda Cardillo
  • Renate Chartrand
  • Barbara J. Clark
  • The Estate of Kate R. Clifford
  • Michael & Beryl Corber
  • Patricia Cordingley
  • The Craig Foundation
  • Gift of the Estate of Hugh Creighton
  • Marian & Robert Cumming
  • Vicki Cummings
  • Barry H. Davidson Endowment for the Creation of New Works in Dance and Music
  • Rita G. de Guire
  • Bronwen & Chris Dearlove
  • The Ann Diamond Fund
  • Erdelyi Karpati Memorial Fund
  • In memory of Carol Etkin
  • Denzil Feinberg & June Wells
  • Randall G. Fillion
  • E.A. Fleming
  • The Estate of Dr. and Mrs. A.W. Adey
  • Audrey and Dennis Forster Endowment for the Development of Young Musicians from Ottawa
  • Estate of A. Fay Foster
  • Paul Fydenchuk & Elizabeth Macfie
  • Victor Gaizauskas
  • Sylvia Gazsi-Gill & John Gill
  • Elinor Gill Ratcliffe, C.M., O.N.L., LLD (hc)
  • The James Wilson Gill Estate
  • The Estate of Marjorie Goodrich
  • Rebecca & Gerald Grace
  • Darrell Howard Gregersen Choir Fund
  • Linda & Charles Gunning
  • Lynne Hammond
  • Ms. Wendy R. Hanna
  • John Hannigan
  • Estate of Joan Harrison
  • Lorraine Hartglas
  • Suzanne Marineau Endowment for the Arts
  • Sharon Henhoeffer
  • Peter Herrndorf & Eva Czigler
  • Bill & Margaret Hilborn
  • Catherine Hooper
  • Jenepher Hooper Endowment for Theatre
  • Dorothy M. Horwood
  • Barbara Irving
  • Sarah Jennings & Ian Johns
  • Huguette Jubinville
  • Marcelle Jubinville
  • Miss Lorène Kayser
  • Dr. Dianne Kipnes, C.M. & Mr. Irving Kipnes, C.M.
  • Jody Kitts
  • Clara Szabo
  • Colette Kletke
  • Rosalind & Stanley Labow
  • David & Susan Laister
  • Frances and Mildred Lazar Fund for the Young Artists Program
  • Sonia & Louis Lemkow
  • R. & T. Lucas
  • Estate of Wilna Macduff
  • Dr. Paul & Mrs. Elsje Mandl
  • Paul & Margaret Manson
  • Suzanne Marineau Endowment for the Arts
  • Claire Marson - Performing Arts for All Endowment
  • Dr. Kanta Marwah Endowment for English Theatre
  • Dewan Chand and Ratna Devi Marwah Family Endowment for Music
  • Kenneth I. McKinlay
  • Jean E. McPhee and Sylvia M. McPhee Endowment for the Performing Arts
  • Donald E. Meakin
  • Carr-Mejias Fund

  • Mr. Bruce R Miller & Ms. Colleen Mayo
  • Heather Moore
  • Barbara Newbegin
  • Janice O’Born, C.M., O.Ont & Earle O’Born
  • Gail O'Brien, LL.D.
  • Estate of Arthur Palmer
  • The Estate of Dorothy Phillips
  • The Elizabeth L. Pitney Estate
  • Samantha Plavins
  • Michael Potter
  • Maurice F. Prevost
  • The Estate of Patricia Richardson
  • Jeffrey Richstone
  • The Estate of Betty Riddell
  • The Estate of Claire Watson Fisher
  • Maryse F. Robillard
  • Patricia M. Roy
  • Gunter & Inge E. Scherrer
  • Daniel Senyk & Rosemary Menke
  • The Late Mitchell Sharp, P.C., C.C. & Mme Jeanne d'Arc Sharp
  • Estate of Merilyn Sim
  • Sandra Lee Simpson
  • Mr. Harvey A. Slack
  • Estate of Sorel Etrog
  • Marion & Hamilton Southam
  • Victoria Steele
  • Natalie & Raymond Stern
  • Clara Szabo
  • Hala Tabl
  • Elizabeth (Cardoza) Taylor
  • R.N.C. Tennant
  • Dino Testa
  • Bruce Topping and Marva Black
  • Kenneth and Margaret Torrance Endowment for Indigenous Theatre
  • Elaine K. Tostevin
  • The Estate of Vernon & Beryl Turner
  • Tyler Family Charitable Foundation
  • Daugherty and Verma Endowment for Young Musicians
  • Robert von Microys
  • Donald T. Walcot
  • Jayne Watson
  • In memory of Thomas Howard Westran
  • In memory of Patricia Jane Whitehead
  • Anonymous (57)