Playwright’s Circle

$1,000 - $1,999

List complete as of July 10, 2024

The Donors’ Circle gratefully acknowledges our generous contributors who give annual gifts of $1,000 to $1,999, helping to keep the National Arts Centre in the forefront of performance, creation and learning. Thank you for shaping the future of the performing arts in Canada.

  • David Abel
  • Heather Webster AET
  • Elpida A. Agathocleous
  • Dr. Charles Agbi
  • Michael-John Almon
  • George Anderson & Charlotte Gray
  • Eponine Auryn Lee
  • Robert & Amelita Armit
  • Carol R. Bachelu
  • Daryl Banke & Mark Hussey
  • Catherine Barry & Christian Pilon
  • Lisa Bartoletto
  • Renée Beaudoin
  • Bishop & Mrs. John Baycroft
  • Mrs. Nicole Bergh
  • Carolee Birchall & Dr. Per Mokkelbost
  • Graham Bird
  • Steven Blanchette
  • Barry Bloom
  • Nelson Borges
  • Stefan Bouffard
  • Peter Bowie
  • M. Ian Bowmer
  • Peter & Livia Brandon
  • Edward Brook
  • Mr. &  Mrs. Dwight Brown

  • Janet Campbell
  • Susan & Brad Campbell

  • Jim & Lorraine Cantlie
  • Brigitte Caron
  • Graham & Maureen Carpenter

  • Elaine Cawadias
  • Guylaine Charette
  • Spencer & Jocelyn Cheng
  • Chez Lucien

  • Rev. Gail & Robert Christy
  • Christopher & Saye Clement
  • John Comba
  • Sue Conrad
  • Marjorie Cook
  • Michael & Beryl Corber
  • Marie Couturier
  • Duart & Donna Crabtree
  • Robert J. Craig
  • Francine Cyr
  • Mary Ann & John de Chastelain
  • In memory of Kenneth Avery Dearlove

  • Danielle Delorme                       

  • Wesley W. Delve
  • Brian R. Dixson
  • Dan & Penny Dodge
  • Susan Douglas
  • Louise Downing
  • David Drinkwater
  • Carol Fahie
  • Denzil Feinberg & June Wells
  • Kathryn Ferris
  • Dr. Heiko Fettig
  • Linda M. Fletcher
  • Melissa Flint
  • Garrett & Megan Foley
  • Marjolaine Fournier
  • Gloria Fox
  • Ross & Ardath Francis
  • Ruthe Frieman
  • Denis Gagnon
  • Carey & Nancy Garrett
  • Matthew Garskey & Laura Kelly
  • Gary Kugler and Marlene Rubin                       
  • Sylvia Gazsi-Gill & John Gill
  • Alan & Sevilla Gill
  • Reverend Canon Laurette Glasgow & Ross Glasgow
  • Aylene Gracie
  • Michel Guénette
  • The Honourable Peter Harder, P.C. & Molly Seon
  • Jane E. & Douglas Heintz Grove
  • Mrs. Joanne Heukshorst-Hatch & Mr. David Hatch
  • Bill & Margaret Hilborn
  • Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Hill
  • Deborah Hilton
  • Jane Hilts
  • David Holdsworth & Nicole Senécal
  • Mary Johnston
  • Michelle Joos
  • Anatol & Czeslawa Kark
  • Gabriel Karlin & Andrea Rosen
  • Brian & Lynn Keller
  • Laurence Kempffer

  • Dr. John Kershman & Ms. Sabina Wasserlauf                

  • Crawford & Allison Kilpatrick
  • Diana & David Kirkwood

  • Jason Kitchen & Christine Aubry

  • Ms. Agnes Laing & Dr. Jack Lehrer
  • Thérèse Lamarche
  • Nicholas & Ashley Laughton
  • The Lawless Family
  • The Levison Family
  • Julie L'Heureux
  • Juniper Locilento
  • Robert & Carol Lovejoy
  • Elizabeth MacDougall
  • Donald MacGregor
  • Sarah MacKinnon
  • There M. MacLean
  • Donald MacLeod
  • Joanne MacNeil & Andrew Marshall
  • Catherine Manion Lewis
  • Jack & Dale McAuley
  • Ann McEwan
  • Elizabeth McGowan
  • The McKinlays: Kenneth, Jill & the late Ronald
  • Christopher Millard & Camille Churchfield
  • Bruce R. Miller
  • Dr. J. David Miller
  • Sharon Mintz
  • Peter & Helen Mitchell
  • The Honourable Richard Mosley & Lorraine Touchette
  • Urve Mundi
  • E Jane Newcombe
  • Jacqueline M. Newton
  • Caroline Ohrt
  • Emechete Onuoha
  • John McPherson & Lise Ouimet

  • Lori Pasanen

  • Jeff Passmore

  • Russell Pastuch & Lynn Solvason
  • Joanna Pay
  • Margaret Pearcy
  • Diana Pepall & Cameron Pulsifer
  • Dre Odette Perron
  • Michael & Susan Phelan
  • Gregory Pope
  • Maurice Prevost
  • Gordon & Susanne Pringle
  • Sylvie Rancourt
  • Christophe Rene
  • Eric & Lois Ridgen

  • David & Anne Robison

  • Anne Roland
  • In memory of Gloria Roseman
  • Huguette Roussy
  • Karl & Sheila Ruban
  • David & Els Salisbury
  • Kevin Sampson
  • Gregory Sanders LLB, CPA, CA, CFP
  • Christine Schuknecht
  • Tom & Joyce Scott
  • Susan Scotti
  • Shawn Scromeda & Sally Gomery
  • Seaby Family
  • J. Sinclair
  • Mr. Harvey A. Slack in honour of the late Honourable Senator Dr. Laurier L. LaPierre, OC
  • Calvin and Katherine Smith
  • Jon David Snipper
  • Naomi Spitale

  • Nancy Squires

  • Tony & Beth Stikeman
  • Natasha Thiessen & Richard Baylin

  • Joe Thottungal

  • Shirqille Tisi
  • Michel Trahan
  • Linda Tremblay
  • Danielle Vachon
  • William & Donna Vangool
  • Anita Walden
  • F.A. Walsh
  • Paul & Lynda Ward
  • Anne-Marie Waters
  • Shirley Westeinde, C.M.
  • Catherine Whitton
  • Kelly Wilhelm & Blair Smith
  • Homer Yang & Kristine Wilson-Yang
  • Jeremy Wittet & Alessandra Jenkins
  • Linda Wood

  • David Wu

  • Anonymous (18)