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Talking Truths: Circle Conversation - Uncovering Our Roots

2023-04-12 12:00 2023-04-12 13:00 60 Canada/Eastern 🎟 NAC: Talking Truths: Circle Conversation - Uncovering Our Roots

In-person event

Host: Olivia C. Davies   Guests: Aria Evans, Jeanette Kotowich, Samantha Sutherland, Sophie Dow    Learning our cultural heritage is a process of unfolding that begins with the questions, who am I and where do I come from? As creators, we are given the chance to undergo this powerful research through our artistic practise. Growing into our deepened understanding of the ancestral ties we have to our origins, we can tap into this well-spring of inspiration to find our...

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ODD BOX,2 Daly Avenue,Ottawa,Canada
Wed, April 12, 2023
Wed, April 12, 2023

≈ 1 hour · No intermission


  • Host Olivia C. Davies
  • Guest Aria Evans
  • jeanette-kotowitch-cropped
    Guest Jeanette Kotowich
  • Guest Samantha Sutherland
  • sophie-dow-300x300
    Guest Sophie Dow