Q&A: Mélanie Dumont, Associate Artistic Director, Youth Programming for French Theatre

Melanie-dumont 2016
Mélanie Dumont, Associate Artistic Director, Youth Programming for French Theatre © Fred Cattroll

Q. Coming up on May 19 is De plain-pied, an annual event that you launched in 2015. What’s it all about?

A. De plain-pied (which translates roughly as “Come on in”) is created with input from teenagers. For each edition, I work with young people to envision the form the event will take. They provide the essential creative spark for this collective project. At the last De plain-pied, for instance, 50 young people joined us to create a gigantic mandala out of thousands of grains of rice—and then we destroyed it, to see if our collective effort, the silent convergence of our energy might generate something more… And it ended in a gigantic party, an explosion of joy!

Q. What motivates you to create projects like this one?

A. Each edition is unique, and reflects the concerns of the moment. The common thread, paradoxically, is that it’s never the same from one year to the next! That said, the objective of De plain-pied does stay the same: to provide teenagers with a space where their creativity is encouraged and stimulated, and where they can express themselves outside the usual settings of home and school. The young people I work with are hungry for encounters, meaningful experiences and art.

Q. There are teenagers in the cast of Impatience, which plays in the Azrieli Studio in May.

A. Yes, this production by L’eau du bain is performed by two professional actors and three local teens. It’s a good opportunity to find out how well you know today’s teenagers!

Find out more on Facebook | #deplainpied

Prélude magazine – The People
Spring 2018

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