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  • Karendonnelly thumbnail option-2 credit curtis-perry video

    “A gift to the trumpet repertoire”

    Karen Donnelly, Principal Trumpet since 1999, shares her excitement about playing John Estacio’s Trumpet Concerto. Karen Donnelly, Principal Trumpet since 1999, shares… Karen Donnelly, Principal Trumpet since 1999, shares her excitement about playing John Estacio’s Trumpet Concerto.

  • Mary-ancheta-quartet credit jaime-vedres video

    Showcasing Canadian artists at Expo 2025 Osaka

    The NAC will present a powerful line-up of performing artists at Expo 2025 in Osaka, Kansai, Japan, showcasing the breadth and diversity of our… The NAC will present a powerful line-up of performing artists… The NAC will present a powerful line-up of performing artists at Expo 2025 in Osaka, Kansai, Japan, showcasing the breadth and diversity of our country’s vibrant artistic scene.

  • A mosaic of blue tiles in the shape of waves of water. radio plays

    Irresistible Neighbourhoods Volume 2: Walking On Water

    Introducing the second volume of radio stories exploring imagined possibilities for two distinct Canadian neighbourhoods. Introducing the second volume of radio stories exploring… Introducing the second volume of radio stories exploring imagined possibilities for two distinct Canadian neighbourhoods.

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