Spotlight on Women Leaders at the NAC

On this International Women’s Day, we celebrate, elevate and support women leaders in the arts.

The contribution of women to the vibrancy of the performing arts in Canada was in the spotlight at the NAC Gala on November 5, 2022. We took the opportunity to introduce some of the women who made the event possible. Throughout the year, they play a part in inviting, hosting, and investing in numerous women-centred music, dance and theatre performances, events, and projects – on and off the NAC’s stages.

“We are seeing more and more women that are behind the scenes, whether it’s in theatre, dance, music. And where we see a transformation, a shift, is seeing women who are also leading as artistic directors, as producers, who really play a key role in determining who has a voice, and really make the choices that will bring forward even more important stories that need to be told from a feminine point of view and a women-led point of view. So that’s where the NAC has a role to play in creating that space on a national stage,” said Annabelle Cloutier, Executive Director, Strategy and Communications at the NAC.

“The majority of our artistic directors are women that have come through a journey to get to the position that they are in right now,” said Malika Burelle, Senior Development Officer, Major Gifts with the NAC Foundation. “And with their work, and their vision, and their heart, it’s important for younger generations to see that as something that they can strive for. That we are out there, we are doing things, we are doing amazing things across Canada to make sure that vision and those folks are seeing and heard.”

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