Following The Flow: Violonist Frédéric Moisan

Frédéric Moisan is a violonist in the NAC Orchestra. One of Frédéric off stage passion is fly fishing.

He loves the environment, the river, the nature,  the wild and being alone. He particulaly likes that it is not something you need to share or go with a friend.

Frédéric shares how fly fishing and the river is connected to playing music, in the Orchestra. He explains that music runs like water in a river; it's always moving, it adapts. With fly fishing, you build everything to get the fish; you are in control. The movement and its rythmic is key in fly fishing, you have to feel it. You can't force it. It's a flow. There is a connection when you cast to the river and back to you just like the bow, when you play a piece of music you have to relax and follow the flow.

Watch the video to learn more about Frédéric's passion.


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