
Chaudiere Bridge, facing the waterfalls, Ottawa, ON
  • craig-commanda-400
    Craig Commanda

Walk around the areas highlighted on the map to listen to the stories on location. All you need is a device with you that can run the link in a browser (Internet connection required).

Accompanied by an original musical composition representing a soundscape of land and water, Craig Commanda preserves the words of Elder Albert Dumont, bringing the voice of Akikodjiwan to life.

Storyteller Statement: Craig Commanda

This work represents the voice of Akikodjiwan. I worked with Elder Albert Dumont’s poem, titled Akikodjiwan, and had some help getting it translated into Anishinaabemowin. I felt that this piece was important, and by getting it translated I wanted to bring the work forward into the present, and eventually the future by recording this poem with my voice into a digital medium. I then composed some music, inspired by how it might’ve felt to be there. I brought in some sounds of Anishinaabe Aki with the help of my friends and my relations, to further give a sense of time and place. Lastly, I wanted to have the place and sound of the water itself be a part of the listening experience as the piece continues playing. 

With thanks to: 
Albert Dumont / Mariette Buckshot / Howard Adler / Heather Schnarr / Jeremie de Villier 


Story transcript

Algonquin / English
Albert Dumont: od-àdodàgan / Poem copyright by Albert Dumont
Mariette Buckshot: Kà anishinàbe ànakanotang / Translated to Algonquin by Mariette Buckshot 

Màmawe Pakìgin / With the skin 

Anàm-ki-zidiminàning  / On the soles of our feet 

Ki tànginànàn kàgìdàdj, Kichi-twàgamig / We gently touch, the sacred surface 

Akikodjiwang / of Akikodjiwan 

Manido Minitigong / The spirit of the island 

Kògaham asining, mayà-godj pineshìnj / Rises from the rock, like a bird 

Pìndigedjiwang ki miskwì-odeying / Soaring into the blood of our hearts 

Kid-ishpinikenimin ako kìjigong  / We raise our hands into the sky

Anangoshag nìsigodjinowag, kidji nòki-tànginindjìgozìyàng / The stars descend, to caress our palms 

Ki wàsàbimin / We open our eyes 

Nandawàbandamàng miziwekamigong, wànakìnàniwang / And search the universe, at peace 

Kijigàbandamàng kichi-nesidotàgwasinog odengwan / Looking upon the face / Of the Great Mystery 

Ki pizindànànàn Kichi Zìbì / We listen to the Kichi Zibi  / Of the Algonquin Anishinabe 

Ogì nòsehadòn mìkàns / She has followed the path 

Mino manido kà ojitòdj / Created for her by Mino Manido 

Kikinòwijiwewàdjin ako Akikodjiwang / Guiding her to sacred Akikodjiwan 

Ìndì kichi-inwewining nibìng / Where the mighty voice of water 

Mikomàdjin pemàdizidjig egà màmawe nibì / Reminds all Peoples that without water 

Kakina pimàdiziwin akìng, kada angoshkà / All life of this world, would perish 

Tibik-kìzis wàsakonendàn minitig  / The moon illuminates the island 

Ki ganonigonàn / She speaks to us 

Eji sàgitoòdj nibì / Of her love for water 

Ishkode piskanetong onòndàn dibàdjimowin / The fire we kindle hears her message 

Ishpakonese / His flames rising ever higher 

Ki wàwiye-nìminàniwinànan, nigamowag pàwitigog / Our circle dances, the rapids sing 

Pate apìch apabowashk-ishkwàdeg / The smoke of burning sage 

Pimiwidjigàde ki nigamonànàn / Carries our chanting song 

Ako ki kòkòmisiminànig kaye ki mishòmisiminànig / Eji tanakìwàdj /To the eternal home ​/ Of our grandmothers and grandfathers 

Nibì pàwatigong  / The waters of the Falls 

O-dodàpanàn nasemàn mìgiweyàng màmawe tabasenindizowin / Swallow our humble offerings of tobacco 

Kid-andewemànàn Mino Manido / We call upon the Good Spirit 

Kidji kìjeninimàdjin / To bless 

Kakina wìdji-pemàdizidjig / All the Peoples of our Nations 

Kàgige kijewàdizìhiwidà / Kid-ikidomin / “Let us always be kind  / To one another” we say 

Manàdjitodà kakina / “And honour all things 

Kije manido kìjenindjige ondje pemàdizidjig / Creator provides to humankind 

Ondje kid-abinodjìshiminànig kidji mino pimàdiziwàdj / So our children can live joyful lives” 

Ki nànìbawimin màmawe kijewàdiziwin kid-odeying  / We stand with kindness in our hearts 

Wagidj kichi minitigong / On a sacred island 

Eji mashkawàg wàwiyàng / Where the circle is always strong 

Eji ategin pemàdizì-inàkonigewinan / Where our instructions as human beings 

Ombishkàg, tidibàshkipakwene Akikodjiwang  / Rise, encircled in the mist of Akikodjiwan 

Kijìweg wìkongewàdj, nandawenindàgoziwàdj / They call loudly, wanting to be reclaimed 

Kidji gìkenindjigàdeg shàbwìmagak / To assure the survival 

Kakina chìnawendàganag / Of all their relations 



Interpreted from a Memory from Albert Dumont  
Mariette Buckshot, Howard Adler, Heather Schnarr, Jeremie de Villiers

Additional credits: 
Brit Johnston, Artist Liaison
Howard Adler, Videographer 
Jaime Morse, Consulting (Ottawa)
Heather Cant, Consulting (Indigenous Cities)

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