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Eyes as Big as Plates

SPHERE Festival - Exhibition

2022-09-22 08:00 2022-09-25 22:00 60 Canada/Eastern 🎟 NAC: Eyes as Big as Plates

In-person event

Eyes as Big as Plates is an ongoing photography series that began in 2011 as a study of the personification of nature and of folkloric explanations of natural phenomena. A decade later, the series has evolved into a search for just where modern humans belong in nature, and it has taken the Finnish-Norwegian artist duo Riitta Ikonen and Karoline Hjorth to 16 countries on a quest to understand our relationship with our surroundings. Eyes as Big as Plates features new portraits produced...

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Mezzanine,1 Elgin Street,Ottawa,Canada
Thu, September 22, 2022

Our programs have gone digital.

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  • sans-titre-cropped
    Photographers Riitta Ikonen & Karoline Hjorth

International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees