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Arctic Imagination - Talks Series

SPHERE / Ray Zahab & Dorthe Dahl-Jensen

2022-09-25 10:00 2022-09-25 11:00 60 Canada/Eastern 🎟 NAC: Arctic Imagination - Talks Series

In-person event

In English / ​Live translation in French  Co-hosted by the Royal Danish Library and the NAC Orchestra as part of the SPHERE Festival, Arctic Imagination is a not-to-be-missed speaker series pressing discussions on the transformation of the Arctic as the ice disappears — and the implications of climate change for geopolitics and human civilization as we know it.  Speakers: Dorthe Dahl-Jensen  Dr. Dorthe Dahl Jensen is a legend in glaciology and scientific...

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Fourth Stage,1 Elgin Street,Ottawa,Canada
Sun, September 25, 2022
Sun, September 25, 2022


  • img-20180801-172258563-1200x900-cropped
    Researcher - Legend in glaciology and scientific expeditions Dorthe Dahl-Jensen
  • Canadian Explorer, ultra distance runner and Founder of non-profit impossible2Possible Ray Zahab
  • No headshot
    Host Natasha Harwood

International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees