Created by Vinnie Karetak and Laakkuluk Williamson Bathory
In-person event
Dance in the enduring bright colours of family amidst social fragmentation as they keep the fire burning for generations. Qaumma, the Inuktitut word for light, is a sculptural theatre production recounting the inspiring journey of Inuit women who, despite the disruption of colonization, carve out their own legacies with language, guts, and culture. Developed with support from the National Arts Centre’s National Creation Fund.
Azrieli Studio,1 Elgin Street,Ottawa,CanadaDance in the enduring bright colours of family amidst social fragmentation as they keep the fire burning for generations. Qaumma, the Inuktitut word for light, is a sculptural theatre production recounting the inspiring journey of Inuit women who, despite the disruption of colonization, carve out their own legacies with language, guts, and culture.
Developed with support from the National Arts Centre’s National Creation Fund.