Ottawa’s Artistic Haven:
The Studio Experience

Francophone Family programming Music Theatre Dance

Valerie Ekoumé © Curtis Perry

Imagine a space where creativity knows no bounds, where artistic expression flows freely, and innovation thrives. Welcome to the intimate Azrieli Studio at the National Arts Centre, where the wonders of theatre, music, and dance unfold, drawing you closer to the action.

Upcoming events

  1. In-person Video
    Un couple de jeunes mariés s’embrasse sous une arche dorée décorée d’explosifs. L’arrière-plan montre d’un côté Toronto, de l’autre un paysage ukrainien, ainsi qu’un char d’assaut couvert de fumée. © Mariya Khomutova et Matthew MacKenzie
  2. In-person Video
    Bégonia dans une pièce sombre, entourée par son reflet

    Pegged as Canada’s breakout alt-diva, Begonia has built a legion of fans online and at her legendary live shows. Her critically acclaimed discography includes Lady In Mind EP (2017), Fear (2019) and Powder Blue (2023).…

  3. In-person Video
     © Guillaume Rodrigue dans Opéra-bonbon

    This delectable introduction to opera and lyrical singing is a treat for the eyes and ears!   Once upon a time – so ti do mi fa! – there were two cheerful singers who wanted to tell the tale of Hansel and Gretel in music. Their mischievous pal…

  4. In-person
    Une femme asiatique dont le visage est dissimulé par ses cheveux regarde l’appareil photo devant un arrière-plan en béton craquelé. Derrière elle, il y a un drapeau blanc avec des éclaboussures rouges et magenta et une feuille verte.
  5. In-person
    Illustration du corps d’une femme recroquevillé au sol. Au-dessus d’elle flotte une énorme main qui semble vouloir emprisonner son corps.

    This powerful show for a singer and choir singers was created based on the vitriol constantly spewed at Safia Nolin. The mirror doesn’t just show the image of an inspiring artist grappling with her identity; it also shows the terrifying reflection of our collective…

  6. In-person Video
    Un interprète autochtone posé de profil qui porte un masque Gitxsan de corbeau. © Dancers of Damelahamid, Raven Mother

    Raven Mother is the Dancers of Damelahamid’s most ambitious production and will be the culmination of generations of artistic and cultural work. 

  7. In-person Video
    Sue Foley jouant de la guitare sur scène

    Prepare for a captivating musical journey with One Guitar Woman, Sue Foley’s new solo acoustic tribute to female pioneers of guitar. Foley’s much-anticipated album on Stony Plain Records was released on March 29, 2024, and she’s bringing it to the NAC. …

  8. In-person
    Quatre personnages debout les uns derrière les autres portent un cinquième corps horizontalement au-dessus d’eux, créant l’effet d’une silhouette de licorne

    This caustic comedy for neurotypical and neurodivergent performers tackles contemporary ethical issues, including the infamous “who can play whom,” as laid out by Pirandello a century ago. But instead of walking on eggshells to tiptoe around the answer, the…

  9. In-person

    Qaumma Qaumma Qaumma

    Created by Vinnie Karetak and Laakkuluk Williamson Bathory

    In Qaumma, amid social fragmentation, Inuit women preserve culture through language, guts, and familial warmth. 

  10. In-person Video
     © Maud Le Pladec, Silent Legacy

    Powerful dialogue on the legacy of inheritance with Adeline, a young krump prodigy, and Siaska Chareyre.

  11. In-person Video
    Les Hay Babies, une blonde et deux brunes, vêtues de blanc, se penchent vers l’avant pour regarder la caméra d'un air confus

    Tintamarre! Attending a Hay Babies concert is a captivating experience where rock meets the folk soul of Acadia. This show is festive, country rock and heartfelt. With their guitars, iconic costumes and vocal harmonies, the Hay Babies take the audience on a…

  12. In-person Video

     Five people, not so different from us, compete and form alliances to take possession of a comfy four-seat couch. Get ready for a theatrical battle that’s as hilarious as it is acrobatic, and that conceals beneath the cushions the thorny issue of how to live…

  13. In-person
    Illustration d’une femme couchée dans un liquide sombre où se reflète un groupe de femmes. Sur le corps de la femme allongée figurent un paysage en miniature et un camion. L’arrière-plan montre une carte géographique déchirée.

    In 1947 India, six women fight for survival amidst the chaos of Partition. 

  14. In-person Video
    Celeigh Cardinal devant un mur rose, souriant avec ses mains devant son visage

    Celeigh Cardinal will take centerstage and bewitch the NAC Fourth Stage audience.  With a confident voice Celeigh Cardinal owns a stage, connecting deeply through humour and vulnerability. She has received awards from the JUNO Awards, the CBC Music Awards and the…

  15. In-person
     © Junkyard Symphony

    Junkyard Symphony is an eco-entertainment company (eco standing for ecological and economical), that reuses junk to service all kinds of events for all ages. What do they do with all this junk? They do many things with junk but are best known for their amazing junk/percussion/comedy/circus…

  16. In-person
     © Junkyard symphony

    Junkyard Symphony is an eco-entertainment company (eco standing for ecological and economical), that reuses junk to service all kinds of events for all ages. What do they do with all this junk? They do many things with junk but are best known for their amazing junk/percussion/comedy/circus…

  17. In-person Video
    Illustration montrant la silhouette d’une femme qui tient dans ses mains un arrosoir à la manière d’une guitare électrique.  

    What if veggies made rock and roll as they grew? Come experience this unique and immersive 360-degree show that will knock your socks off. Featuring a see-through greenhouse fully lit up with colourful video projections, and at the centre, an actual three-part band to…