BJM (Les Ballets Jazz de Montréal)

Dance Me

2019-07-11 20:00 2019-07-12 22:00 60 Canada/Eastern 🎟 NAC: BJM (Les Ballets Jazz de Montréal)

Music by Leonard Cohen  Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin
Dance me through the panic till I'm gathered safely in
Lift me like an olive branch and be my homeward dove
Dance me to the end of love
L.C. Dance Me is an exclusive creation inspired by the rich and profound work of Montreal-based poet, artist and songwriter, Leonard Cohen. The show returns to the NAC by popular demand after a sold out run here in February 2018 and extensive touring...

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Southam Hall,1 Elgin Street,Ottawa,Canada
July 11 - 12, 2019
July 11 - 12, 2019
This event has passed
Dance Contemporary Summer events
  • Bilingual
  • ≈ 1 hour and 20 minutes · No intermission
NAC Production

Music by Leonard Cohen 

Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin
Dance me through the panic till I'm gathered safely in
Lift me like an olive branch and be my homeward dove
Dance me to the end of love


Dance Me is an exclusive creation inspired by the rich and profound work of Montreal-based poet, artist and songwriter, Leonard Cohen. The show returns to the NAC by popular demand after a sold out run here in February 2018 and extensive touring nationally and internationally. A Canadian literary giant, Cohen’s songs are poetic evocations of the songwriter’s unerring insights into the human experience. Inspired by his inimitable music, and using a selection of his most beloved songs, renowned choreographers Annabelle Lopez Ochoa, Andonis Foniadakis and Ihsan Rustem have created a spectacular multimedia work.  Approved by Leonard Cohen during his lifetime, and under the artistic direction of Louis Robitaille and the strong and bold dramaturgy of Eric Jean, this riveting homage to the famed poet-singer-songwriter evokes the grand cycles of existence in five seasons, as described in Cohen’s deeply reflective music and poems. Described by our Ottawa Citizen as “performance art that pushes the entertainment value of contemporary dance closer to the level of a rock concert or big-budget musical.” You can expect dancers with excellent technique and athletic prowess, impressive lifts, and of course an incredible soundtrack!

An internationally renowned repertory company founded in 1972, BJM – Les Ballets Jazz de Montréal has been constantly evolving in dynamic fashion ever since. Louis Robitaille has been artistic director of the company since 1998, and over the years, BJM has presented more than 2,500 performances in 68 countries all over the world, reaching a total audience of almost three million. A major force on the Montreal cultural scene, BJM remains one of the most prolific dance companies in North America.


  • bjm-logo-from-fb
    Ballets Jazz Montréal
  • leonardcohen-picture-2
    Music Leonard Cohen
  • louis-robitaille-cr-christopherpozio
    Artistic Director Louis Robitaille
  • 8939-bjm-01-eric-0135
    Dramaturgy and Stage Direction Eric Jean
  • Choreography Andonis Foniadakis
  • alopezochoa-credit-t-tiel-groenestegelr
    Choreography Annabelle Lopez Ochoa
  • ihsan-rustem2015-cr-idazennalr
    Choreography Ihsan Rustem
  • Music Direction Martin Léon
  • Principal Dancers Céline Cassone, Yosmell Calderón
  • Dancers Brandi Baker, Jeremy Coachman, Kennedy Henry, Terra Kell, Kennedy Kraeling, Elijah Labay, Andrew Mikhaiel, Benjamin Mitchell, Saskya Pauzé-Bégin, Julia Radick, Mark Sampson, Ermanno Sbezzo, Izabela Szylinska