In Regina, Skyler Anderson worked with Treaty 4 youth Jaycee Anderson and Kiana Toto to create compelling art that addresses the challenges of living in a colonial world. The youth reflected on the differences between the world of their ancestors and their own, using ceremony and cultural expression to make sense of their identity in today’s society. Their work highlights the importance of culture, identity, and tradition in the modern world.
Sky is a proud nêhiyaw from Treaty 4 and father of three boys who he dedicates all of his work to. He is also the founder and Artistic Director of mêtawê Theatre, a new Indigenous theatre company based out of Treaty 4. Holding a degree in Theatre (Acting) from the First Nations University of Canada and two decades of experience working as a professional artist, Sky is setting his sights on passing down knowledge to emerging Indigenous actors.
Sky est un fier artiste nêhiyaw et un père attentionné et investi auprès de ses trois garçons. Il est le fondateur et le directeur artistique du mêtawê Theatre, jeune compagnie de théâtre autochtone (territoire du Traité no 4). Diplômé en interprétation théâtrale de l’Université des Premières Nations du Canada, Sky est un artiste professionnel qui, depuis plus de 20 ans, est animé par un désir de transmettre ses connaissances aux jeunes interprètes autochtones.
Regina/Treaty 4
Jaycee Anderson is a nêhiyaw from the Peepeekisis Cree Nation. He is 14 years old and will be entering grade 9. Jaycee has a passion for sports. He grew up around theatre and art through his dad, who he loves to watch and recently ran the lighting board for one of his dad’s shows. Currently, he is focusing his skills on basketball where he has already received recruitment offers from colleges in the USA.
Jaycee Anderson est un artiste nêhiyaw de la Nation crie de Peepeekisis. Il est âgé de 14 ans et est en neuvième année. Passionné de sports, il est initié au théâtre et aux arts par son père qu’il adore regarder. Il a même tout récemment été derrière la console d'éclairage pour un spectacle de son père. Actuellement, il se concentre sur sa future carrière de basketteur, ayant déjà été repéré par plusieurs universités américaines.
Regina/Treaty 4
Kiana Toto – Calm After the Storm – 19 years old from Piapot First Nation. Kiana is a Jingle Dress Dancer and has taught powwow dancing at the Mamaweyatitan Centre in Regina, Saskatchewan. Kiana has modeled across Turtle Island and is now training in acting through mêtawê Theatre. She recently traveled to Long Beach, California to compete for the World Championships of Performing Arts.
Kiana Toto (Calm After the Storm) est âgée de 19 ans et membre de la Première Nation de Piapot. Spécialiste de la danse de la robe à franges, elle a enseigné la danse pow-wow au Centre Mamaweyatitan de Regina, en Saskatchewan. En parallèle de sa carrière de mannequin, elle suit une formation en interprétation au mêtawê Theatre. Elle s’est récemment rendue à Long Beach, en Californie, pour participer aux championnats mondiaux des arts de la scène.