Interview with Showbiz Mastermind and Creator of “Let’s Dance” Jeff Tyzik


”Stronger together” is the name of the game when it comes to the NAC Orchestra's “Let’s Dance”, a performance of spectacular musical and dance numbers carefully designed by creator Jess Tyzik. World-renowned and gifted in his ability to dazzle audiences of all ages, Jeff Tyzik has been in show business for more than 50 years, with turns both on stage and behind the scenes. His name is synonymous with knock-out performances which have earned him multiple awards over the years. Tysik is a true master of his trade who once again, promises to deliver a captivating, one-of-a-kind live show experience.

“ Dance is an incredible dimension, but combine with the music on stage – with the orchestra together - it creates an exciting show.  It’s a wonderful experience.”

Pops concerts offer an opportunity to transcend the classical genre. « It’s about showcasing every kind of music: gospel, jazz, swing, tango, waltz, etc. This type of performance is an opportunity to appreciate all that isn’t classical. It’s relaxed and informal with a focus on pop music rather than classical which is more conservative”.

From childhood, Jeff Tyzik was immersed in classical music before jumping into the jazz world.

“ I have a classical music background and even if I’m a classical musician, I have a heavy background in jazz and I like rock music and latin music. As far as I’m concerned I want the best of everything, I like to play good music.”

This time around, the conductor offers up a selection of music to be performed by the NAC Orchestra with a group of dancers plucked from among the best in every genre taking centre stage.

Nothing short of extraordinary, his productions are the fruit of meticulous research and comprise all of the cornerstones of a hit.

“ I trust myself and If what I like has substance, it can be fun but with high musical integrity. Figuring the flow of the concert it’s something I find really rewarding. My programming of the concert is an exciting journey.”

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