Shakespeare marathon

2023-05-05 18:00 2023-05-06 23:59 60 Canada/Eastern 🎟 NAC: ROME

In-person event

*In order to allow us to better prepare the arrival of this colossal production, the premiere of ROME is postponed to Friday, May 5. ** TIME CHANGE : The May 6 show will now begin at 3pm, in order for the performers to get more rest. *** Please note: There will be 2 intermissions for this performance. Total duration is 7 hours and 30 minutes including the 2 intermissions. Binge-watching an entire TV series, eyes glued to your screen, is so 2020–21. It’s time for a...

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Babs Asper Theatre,1 Elgin Street,Ottawa,Canada
May 5 - 6, 2023
This event has passed
ROME © Illustration Pony
© Maxim Paré Fortin
© Maxim Paré Fortin
© Maxim Paré Fortin
© Maxim Paré Fortin
© Maxim Paré Fortin
© Maxim Paré Fortin
© Maxim Paré Fortin
Photo : Marjorie Guindon, Design : Marie Tourigny
© Maxim Paré Fortin
© Maxim Paré Fortin
© Maxim Paré Fortin
© Maxim Paré Fortin
© Maxim Paré Fortin
© Maxim Paré Fortin
© Maxim Paré Fortin
Photo : Marjorie Guindon, Design : Marie Tourigny
“Rise and fall of an empire ”
  • In-person event
  • Français
  • ≈ 7 hours 30 · With intermission
NAC Co-production

*In order to allow us to better prepare the arrival of this colossal production, the premiere of ROME is postponed to Friday, May 5.

** TIME CHANGE : The May 6 show will now begin at 3pm, in order for the performers to get more rest.

*** Please note: There will be 2 intermissions for this performance. Total duration is 7 hours and 30 minutes including the 2 intermissions.

Binge-watching an entire TV series, eyes glued to your screen, is so 2020–21. It’s time for a unifying saga, an epic experience … it’s time for ROME! Welcome to a Shakespeare marathon: the four Roman plays plus a stage adaptation of a narrative poem, assembled in a single production under the sharp eye of the great director Brigitte Haentjens, with a cast of some 20 performer–athletes and three musicians whose hearts vibrate in tune with the eloquent dialogue translated by the inimitable Jean Marc Dalpé. 

ROME is a spectacular seven and a half hour journey behind the scenes of an empire that rose and fell, as if following the trajectory of a prophetic black sun that, 400 years later, resonates eerily with our times. The cycle opens with The Rape of Lucrece, the female body portrayed as a territory to be invaded; a chaotic democracy struggles to emerge in the face of Coriolanus’ contemptuous and exaggerated righteousness; Julius Caesar exposes the implacable mechanics of tyranny; the explosive cocktail of love and politics is captured in Antony and Cleopatra; and the adventure concludes with the legendary bloodbath of Titus Andronicus

We will depart from ROME basking in the glory of having attended a performance–event that will leave its mark on the soul and the body, even as it chips away at the very foundations of our so-called “civilized” societies. 

How the show unfolds 

ROME features twenty-nine (29) performers sharing the stage. This Shakespearean saga lasts seven and a half hours (7 hours 30 minutes) and is presented in three (3) parts with two (2) intermissions. Get ready for an extraordinary theatrical experience! 

Snack bar service will be available on site. 

Part 1 ~ 1 hr 45 min 


LUCRÈCE: Movements I, II, III 

CORIOLAN: Movements I, II 

Intermission ~ 30 min 

Part 2 ~ 2 hrs 40 min 

CORIOLAN : Movement III 

JULES CÉSAR: Movements I, II, III 


Intermission ~ 20 min 

Part 3 ~ 2 hrs 10 min 




  • Translated and adapted by Jean Marc Dalpé
  • brigitte-haentjens-hero-hero-1200-square
    Director Brigitte Haentjens
  • With Jean-Denis Beaudoin, Marc Béland, Alex Bergeron, Éliane Bergeron, Céline Bonnier, Vincent Carré, Samuël Côté, Guido Del Fabbro, Leïla Donabelle Kaze, Sylvie Drapeau, Irdens Exantus, Bernard Falaise, Reda Guerinik, Lauren Hartley, Bozidar Krčevinac, Frédéric Lavallée, Roméo Lucas, Jean-Moïse Martin, Iannicko N’Doua, Gaétan Nadeau, Leni Parker, Alice Pascual, Véronique Perron, Viktor Proulx, Sébastien Ricard, Joakim Robillard, Madeleine Sarr, Mattis Savard-Verhoeven and Valérie Tellos
  • Assistant director Félix Dagenais
  • Dramaturg Mélanie Dumont
  • Sets Anick La Bissonnière
  • Props Julie Measroch
  • Costumes Julie Charland
  • Lighting Julie Basse
  • Music and sound designer Bernard Falaise
  • Hair Stéphane Scotto Di Cesare
  • Costume assistant Yso
  • Lighting assistant Natasha Descôteaux
  • Movement coach Harold Rhéaume
  • Sound installation Frédéric Auger
  • Special effects Olivier Proulx
  • Fencing master Alexander Peganov
  • Voice and speech consultant Marie-Claude Lefebvre
  • Makeup consultant Angelo Barsetti
  • Production assistant, second assistant director and stage manager Félix-Antoine Gauthier
  • Wardrobe and props Floriane Vachon
  • Stage management Isabelle Paquette
  • Wardrobe Léonie Blanchet
  • Technical director Jérémi Guilbault-Asselin
  • Production director Cynthia Bouchard-Gosselin
  • General codirector and administrative director Émilie Martel
  • Produced by Sibyllines
  • Coproduced by NAC French Theatre
  • Developed with support from the NAC’s National Creation Fund
  • ROME was invited in residency at Compagnie Marie Chouinard.