2015-05-01 00:00 2015-05-29 24:00 true 60 Canada/Eastern 🎟 NAC: Ontario Pick 3


Ontario Pick 3 brings together three innovative Ontario artists who are expanding on and developing themes they began in 2014. MAURA DOYLE’s works are part of her research into the simple pot, one of humanity’s oldest art forms. Throughout history, this plain but vital form has contained life, love, pleasure, anguish, and death, traditionally storing, as it has, grain, water, intoxicants, medicine, and human remains. KEVIN RODGERS is a visual artist whose practice draws upon...

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Central Art Garage,66 Lebreton North,Ottawa,Canada
May 1 - 29, 2015
This event has passed
Visual Arts

Ontario Pick 3 brings together three innovative Ontario artists who are expanding on and developing themes they began in 2014.

MAURA DOYLE’s works are part of her research into the simple pot, one of humanity’s oldest art forms. Throughout history, this plain but vital form has contained life, love, pleasure, anguish, and death, traditionally storing, as it has, grain, water, intoxicants, medicine, and human remains.

KEVIN RODGERS is a visual artist whose practice draws upon provisional formalism and political philosophy. His latest work begins from a scanned version of political theorist Hannah Arendt’s 1961 book Between Past and Future, a collection of essays on (among other subjects) freedom, education, and authority.

FRANK SHEBAGEGET’s practice, which draws on the aesthetics of everyday materials, exploits the tense relationships between production, consumption, and the economics of beauty, through the repetition of forms, labour-intensive processes, and the play between quasi-industrial and handcrafted methods.

  • Artists Maura Doyle
    Kevin Rodgers
    Frank Shebageget
  • Curated by Danny Hussey