Mozart’s Life

A Genius in the Making

Whenever people gather to talk about musical genius, the name Mozart almost always comes up first. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was the most sensational Wunderkind (a German word meaning “wonder-child” or child prodigy) in the history of music. He started playing the keyboard at the age of three, and was already composing music while other children were still learning to read: little piano pieces at age five; later on symphonies at nine and complete operas at twelve. Unbelievable, isn’t it?

Let’s find out more about this phenomenal fellow, Mozart!

He was born in Salzburg, Austria, in 1756. Salzburg today is in Austria, but in Mozart’s time it belonged to Bavaria, a region in what is now Germany. His father, Leopold, was also a composer, but he was best known as a violin teacher. Mozart never went to school. His father tutored him in languages (English, French, Latin, and Italian in addition to his native German), geography, science, history, math – Mozart particularly liked math – and, of course, music!

Mozart came from a warm and loving family. He delighted in playing duets at the keyboard with his older sister, Nannerl, and even wrote a concerto for two pianos for them to play together. He was also very close to his mother, and wrote her endless letters. His father guided him through every aspect of life – teaching him how to manage money, how to deal with people, and how to behave in society.

As a child Mozart was obedient to his father, playful, and full of humour. As a man he was small and rather thin, his head was quite large for his body, and he had a lot of hair, which he was very proud of and took care to powder every day. (Using powder was a fashionable thing to do in those days, just as men and women use gel and hairspray today.) Mozart was always full of energy, often restless, and extremely hardworking.

Mozart’s Hobbies and Interests

Mozart loved games of all sorts. He knew many card tricks and his other interests included billiards, bowling, charades, fencing, and horseback riding. He liked to keep dogs, cats, and birds as pets. He once owned a starling that could sing the main tune from the last movement of his own Piano Concerto No. 17.

Mozart’s Journey: From Salzburg to Vienna

In Mozart’s day, a musician was considered just another form of servant – you served your aristocratic master, who hired you to write and play music at his court or palace; your job was on a par with the cooks, butlers, maids, and cleaning staff. From the age of about 12 until he was 25, Mozart was in the service of Count Colloredo, Archbishop of Salzburg.

Slowly Mozart grew tired of life in little Salzburg, and in 1781, he left and moved to Vienna. Here he also gave piano lessons, conducted his own compositions, starred in his piano concertos as soloist, and became the talk of the town. During his years in Vienna, Mozart was what today we would call a freelance musician – one who picks up jobs here and there rather than receiving a regular salary from a single source.

Final Years

Mozart died on December 5, 1791, at the young age of 35. His health had never been good. All those years travelling as a boy took their toll. In addition, he had an intense lifestyle and was always overworked. His death cannot be attributed to a single cause, but during the last few weeks of his life we know he suffered from kidney failure and possibly rheumatic fever, which put a further strain on his feeble body.

Activity Idea

Other famous composers who died young include George Gershwin, Felix Mendelssohn (both at age 38), Georges Bizet (at 36), Vincenzo Bellini (at 33), and Franz Schubert (at 31).

Research the life of one of these composers and report back to your class.