#ReconcileThis Launches Next Phase with Josh Languedoc

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A new step in this transformative collaboration between the NAC Indigenous Theatre and Meta

Anishinaabe playwright and educator Josh Languedoc, from Saugeen First Nation, has taken on the role of Associate Producer of #ReconcileThis. The initiative launched in 2022 seeks to amplify Indigenous voices by sharing their stories, languages, cultures, and artistic practices through online performances and conversations.

Josh brings with him a rich background in theatre, education, and production. Since 2018, he has been touring his solo production Rocko and Nakota: Tales From the Land across Turtle Island. He also runs the teen playwriting program #WritesOfPassage at Workshop West Playwrights’ Theatre and teaches across the Edmonton area.

Could you share a little about yourself?

Aanii. Josh Languedoc nindizhinikaaz. I am a proud theatre artist currently living in the Nehiyawak territory of Amiskwaciy, colonially known as Edmonton, AB. My dad is a '60s Scoop survivor with ancestry from Six Nations and Saugeen First Nation. My mom is of Irish, British, and Hunkpapa descent from Wood Mountain Reserve. I am predominantly a playwright and work as a producer, curator, director, storyteller, and theatre educator.

What led you to be part of #ReconcileThis?

Initially, it was the name. #ReconcileThis is such a punchy and fun title for a project. Secondly, it was the digital nature of the creation and dissemination process. I love the idea of using digital space to host Indigenous artists. I was curious about where the intersection of live theatre and digital spaces could speak to one another. The fact that this project was hosted by the National Arts Centre excited me, as it would give me a chance to learn from some incredible leaders in Indigenous theatre.

How have your personal experiences influenced your vision for this project?

My experience as a teacher has greatly influenced how I envision this project. I have spent a lot of time working with youth of all ages as an out-of-school-care educator, workshop facilitator, coach, and teacher. I find that youth have incredible creative tenacity, and I am interested in seeing how younger voices can expand this project. They are great at navigating social media in ways that I cannot. As such, hiring youth to collaborate with some well-established artists has become a central focal point of the project. My desire to facilitate cross-generational exchanges has also influenced this project, as I believe different generations can create brilliance together.

Was there a particular moment or person in your life that turned you towards advocacy and the arts?

I can pinpoint the exact moment, and it is a moment that will fuel my fire for the rest of my life. Growing up in an era in education where Indigenous histories and knowledge were not valued, I kept my cultural life private in many of the spaces I inhabited. Once I entered university and started studying Sociology, I felt like my bubble had completely popped. I became aware of injustices around the world. I realized the erasure of my people’s stories from the education I had received. I was ashamed of the colonization I had internalized and angry at the normalization of colonization in broader depictions of my people. Finally, I read a study about the murder of Neil Stonechild at the hands of the Saskatoon police force. This ignited a fire in me. I knew I had to use my voice and passion to uplift Indigenous voices in any way I could.

What are some exciting changes or developments you are hoping to introduce in the next phase of #ReconcileThis?

The first exciting development for the project is to establish Fire Carriers. Phase 1 of this project contracted Fire Starters. These artists created their digital response to the project. Now, I seek to find Fire Carriers who can carry on what was started by the Fire Starters. These Fire Carriers will be collaborations between one established professional artist and small pods of 2-3 young Indigenous artists. They can be early-stage Indigenous artists or youth Indigenous artists still in secondary school. I am hoping to find four different groupings from across Turtle Island that feature a variety of different Indigenous nations and artistic practices.

If you could use just a few words to describe the heart of your message with #ReconcileThis, what would they be?

Cross-generational knowledge that continues the fire!


Josh is poised to lead #ReconcileThis into its next phase with a vision of collaboration and digital innovation. The initiative continues to invite Indigenous artists to contribute to a vibrant digital mosaic of Indigenous art and culture, igniting the conversation on reconciliation.

For more details on the project or to participate, please click here or contact Josh directly at josh.languedoc@nac-cna.ca.

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