How do Canadians feel about returning to live performances?

Fred cattroll-8-crop
© Fred Cattroll

Latest findings of the Arts Response Tracking Survey

Canadian culture-goers increasingly mention vaccines as a precaution for returning to indoor arts and culture performances.

It’s one of the latest findings in the Arts Response Tracking Survey, which gauges Canadians on how they feel about returning to and supporting the arts across Canada. A partnership between the National Business / Arts and Nanos Research, the initiative is part of the NAC’s effort to lead and support the renewal of the Canadian performing arts sector.

The latest findings offer insights into the obstacles preventing culture-goers’ participation in the arts, and examines their comfort levels with purchasing single tickets or memberships and subscriptions to their favourite arts organizations in 2021.

Key findings:

Culture-goers increasingly mention a vaccine as a precaution for indoor arts/cultural performances for early return;

Culture-goers increasingly mention a vaccine as a precaution for outdoor arts/cultural performances for early return;

Culture-goers are more comfortable supporting their favourite arts/cultural organization in 2021 by buying single tickets than purchasing a membership or subscription;

There is a decrease in mentions of masks as a precaution for indoor arts/cultural performances for early return.

Check out the Arts Response Tracking Study to learn more.

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