bringing the performing arts to life in Canadian classrooms

Artsalive oncomputer
The NAC's website engages students to learn more about the performing arts. © Photo submitted

For students in Amanda Baker’s grade 3 French immersion class at Mary Honeywell Elementary Public School, it’s one of their most favourite activities. “Students are very excited to use the NAC’s website. As soon as I turn on the computer during our “Music block” of the day, they race over to see what section of the site we’ll be looking at,” admits Amanda. “They often ask if they can play musical games and become composers. The website engages students to want to learn more about the orchestra, dance and theatre.”

Amanda isn’t the only person to feel that way., the NAC’s multi-award winning performing arts education website, receives between 4,500 and 5,000 unique visits every school day. “We feel the site is achieving its intended purpose,” says Anna Thornton, Manager of “It’s being recognized as a leading educational resource that speaks to the needs of its target audience. When I meet teachers, it’s gratifying to learn how concretely we’re providing them with resources they need and want.”

Launched in 2002, the website provides accessible, curriculum-based material in both official languages to support learning outcomes in music, dance, and drama. Each of the nine modules, including the award-winning NACmusicbox TIMELINE, features ready-to-print lesson plans and learning activities for the classroom. “The website saves me time and is an excellent interactive way for my students to learn and enjoy music, dance and theatre,” says Amanda. “It’s great for teachers who may not feel comfortable teaching the Arts.”

There’s no doubt is successfully bringing the arts to life in hundreds of classrooms and thousands of hearts. “Thanks to donor support, the NAC can share top-of-the-line resources with people who normally wouldn’t be able to access them,” Anna says. “We have 10 years to be grateful for. We would not have an award-winning website without your help.”

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