NAC French Theatre

En famille

Theatre Children

© Gérard DuBois

This year again, you will be witnessing something so sublime and sudden. From the still stage to minuscule particles celebrating, the theatre remains a place that thrills, something mysterious and magical where many wonders can happen. 

Bring family or friends, settle in and, you'll see, you'll think you're dreaming. Together! 

Upcoming events

  1.  A magnetic actor invites us to a shimmering forest of emotions. You hear a baby’s inner voice, their desire for both closeness and separation, as the radiant performer transforms these words into riveting physical play. Parents and children alike will leave…

  2.  In this moment of pure theatre magic, we plunge with courageous little Harold into a raucous thunderstorm so we can get a good look at what’s really going on inside. What if those dark clouds were actually conducting an orchestra? Warning: Risk of magical…

  3. In this lively show featuring juggling, rhythmic songs and percussive dance, four virtuoso Mozambican performers dazzle with sight, sound and sheer skill. The incredible memories of this show will sustain you for the rest of the year. 

  4.  Five people, not so different from us, compete and form alliances to take possession of a comfy four-seat couch. Get ready for a theatrical battle that’s as hilarious as it is acrobatic, and that conceals beneath the cushions the thorny issue of how to live…

  5.  A mini life coach serves up a hilarious exposé on adults, in ten enlightening lessons. Reading between the lines, you’ll also learn about her own family’s life, which isn’t all sunshine and roses. This gem of a show will strike a chord…

  6. What if veggies made rock and roll as they grew? Come experience this unique and immersive 360-degree show that will knock your socks off. Featuring a see-through greenhouse fully lit up with colourful video projections, and at the centre, an actual three-part band to…

Past events

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