Shayenne Productions, WeeFestival and Théâtre français de Toronto, Ontario
In-person event
Outdoor performance at Strathcona Park
A show for age 3-6
As the well in her village dries up, young Yassama has to walk further every day to fetch water for her family. She begins to fear for their collective future. Will she be able to save her community from the drought that threatens it?
With the help of an old baobab tree and a mysterious calabash, Yassama learns to recognize the limits of the nature that feeds her.
At the junction...
Outdoor performance at Strathcona Park
A show for age 3-6
As the well in her village dries up, young Yassama has to walk further every day to fetch water for her family. She begins to fear for their collective future. Will she be able to save her community from the drought that threatens it?
With the help of an old baobab tree and a mysterious calabash, Yassama learns to recognize the limits of the nature that feeds her.
At the junction of African oral tradition, theatre and dance, Yassama et la calebasse aux cauris offers young audiences a tribute to perseverance and humility in the form of a timeless ecological tale.
Recommended for children ages 3 to 6 and their families.
Sponsored and developed with the support of the WeeFestival and the Théâtre français de Toronto. Co-presented with the Théâtre français de Toronto.