This event ended on: Mar 8, 2021

Artistes en mode survie : les femmes et les arts en temps de pandémie

Special Events Francophone Talks
  • NAC Popular Music and Variety
  • Arts Alive

  Mar 8, 2021 - 11 AM EST

*This discussion will be in French only.*

The National Arts Centre is celebrating International Women’s Day with free online events centered on women’s voices and experiences.  This panel discussion begins the day with extraordinary Canadian women in the performing arts on how the pandemic has affected their lives and careers.

The French panel, at 11 a.m., will include Geneviève Pelletier (Winnipeg), Artistic and Executive Director of Théâtre Cercle Molière; choreographer, public speaker and strategist Rhodnie Désir (Montreal), Véronique Lacroix (Montreal), conductor and founder of Ensemble contemporain de Montréal (ECM+); and Émilie Monnet (Montreal), founder of Onishka Productions, an interdisciplinary arts organization that creates bridges between Indigenous peoples worldwide while honoring their diversity, richness and resilience. The moderator will be Annabelle Cloutier, Executive Director of Strategy and Communications at the NAC. 

Rhodnie Désir (Montreal), who has more than 12 years of experience as a choreographer, public speaker, and strategist focusing on the development of large-scale cultural initiatives. She is the creator of 15 dance works (RD Creations) and has developed more than 2,200 youth cultural initiatives (DÊZAM).

Véronique Lacroix (Montreal), the recipient of multiple conducting awards, who founded the Ensemble contemporain de Montréal (ECM+) in 1987 to work closely with composers, and, for several years. Every summer, she leads the New Music workshop at the Orford Music Academy with longtime partners, including Ana Sokolović, with whom she’s been collaborating since 1996.

Émilie Monnet (Montreal), founder of Oniskha Productions, a Montreal-based interdisciplinary arts organisation that creates bridges between indigenous peoples worldwide while honoring their diversity, richness and resilience.

Geneviève Pelletier (Winnipeg), a Métis performer and director, and Artistic and Executive Director of Théâtre Cercle Molière, who is interested in the intermingling/interweaving of cultures and the myriad possibilities opening up in a world that is getting smaller all the time, giving rise to complex and fertile spaces for creation.


  • genevieve-pelletier
    Actor and director Geneviève Pelletier
  • emilie-monnet-cr-christian-blais-headshot
    Interdisciplinary artist Émilie Monnet

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