2015-04-28 11:00 2015-04-30 18:00 60 Canada/Eastern 🎟 NAC: The Postcard Project II


The Postcard Project II is a site-specific public installation and performance developed by artist BASIL ALZERI with the City of Ottawa’s Community Arts + Social Engagement Program. The work references archived postcards to recreate a set of ephemeral Canadian objects that will be shared and distributed to the public. The set of postcards created for The Postcard Project II was produced after a short research residency at the City of Ottawa Archives in 2014. Through this project, Basil...

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Byward Market,Corner of William Street and George Street,Ottawa,Canada
April 28 - 30, 2015
This event has passed
Visual Arts
  • English
  • ≈ 11:00-18:00 daily · No intermission

The Postcard Project II is a site-specific public installation and performance developed by artist BASIL ALZERI with the City of Ottawa’s Community Arts + Social Engagement Program. The work references archived postcards to recreate a set of ephemeral Canadian objects that will be shared and distributed to the public.

The set of postcards created for The Postcard Project II was produced after a short research residency at the City of Ottawa Archives in 2014. Through this project, Basil searches for historical progression – the ways in which the depiction of public images and Ottawa’s landscape has changed through the years.

The Postcard Project II will be located in the ByWard Market, where stalls, tents, and shops offer Canadiana artifacts, products, and postcards. Visitors are welcome to visit and interact with the work, pick a postcard, and send it right then and there!

  • Artist Basil AlZeri