
Swathi Sreedharan

Ottawa · Ontario · Canada

Last updated: September 29, 2023

Swathi Sreedharan is an Architect by profession and an Indian Classical Dancer by passion. Her artistic expression lies in investigating the parallels between Architecture and Dance by exploring the visual, spatial and performative qualities of both art forms. She finds that Architecture and Dance have many areas of confluence, for instance, they are both artistic mediums to create elegant & graceful rhythmic patterns in an otherwise empty three dimensional space. And if well executed they both stir a powerful emotion in the audience. To her,  Dance is nothing but Architecture in motion and Architecture is just Dance that is frozen in time and space. 

Swathi started her dance journey, when her parents initiated her into Bharatanatyam at the age of 6 under the guidance of Guru Mohandas in Mumbai. At age 10 she joined Sruthilaya Institute of Fine Arts, Mumbai to continue her training under Guru Dr. Sunanda Nair. It is here that she was introduced to the beautiful world of Mohiniattam and soon started training in both dance forms. Since then, she has been practicing Bharatanatyam for 20+ years and Mohiniattam for 15+ years. She also has fundamental training in Nattuvangam and Natyashastra and has cross-trained with the basics of Kalaripayattu and Kathak. She has given numerous performances in India, Canada and USA. 

She has a Masters in Architecture from the University of North Carolina and is currently an Architectural Designer in Ottawa. She continues her online training in Mohiniattam under the mentorship of her Guru Kalashree Dr. Sunanda Nair.

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