
Claudine Robillard

Last updated: May 10, 2023

Claudine Robillard is particularly fond of practices that are difficult to categorize, those that emerge at the intersection of theatre, performance, dance, sociology and visual arts. After completing a master’s degree at the École supérieure de théâtre de l’UQAM, Claudine co-founded Système Kangourou with Anne-Marie Guilmaine. She performs in most of the company’s shows and site-specific projects, and co-writes some of them.

Alongside her involvement with Système Kangourou, Claudine has worked as a performer or dramaturg and stage advisor with several choreographers, including Jacques Poulin-Denis, Andréa de Keijzer and Hélène Langevin.

Eager to share her passion for the living arts and to open her practice to atypical artists, from 2016 to 2019 she taught at Les Muses: centre des arts de la scène, a professional training school for neurodiverse individuals. Energized by her experiences with these unconventional artists, since 2018 she has been devoting part of her time to redesigning the school’s training program and developing various projects with a view to creating openings in the cultural community to make it more inclusive.

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