
Alexander Ekman

Last updated: September 29, 2022

After a dance career with Royal Swedish Ballet, Cullberg Ballet and NDT 2, Swedish choreographer Alexander Ekman decided to solely focus on choreography, often composing music and designing decor for his own pieces. Ekman created several works  for NDT 2, including Flockwork (2006), Cacti (2010, nominated for the VSDC Zwaan Award 2010, National Dance Award 2012, and an Olivier Award in 2013), Left Right Left Right (2012), Maybe Two (2013), FIT (2018) and Four Relations (2020), and for NDT 1, Definitely Two (2013). 

Ekman works worldwide with companies such as Cullberg Ballet, Compañia Nacional de Danza, Göteborg Ballet, Ballet de l’Opéra du Rhin, and the Royal Swedish Ballet. In 2005, at the International Choreography Competition of Hannover, Ekman was awarded first prize by the critics, and won second prize with Swingle Sisters. In 2014 created his own version of Swan Lake, receiving enormous attention worldwide. Ekman used 6,000 litres of water to create a real lake on stage. In 2015 he received the Swedish Medea Award for Inventor and Renewer,  the German theatre award ‘Der Faust’ the next year.

Ekman is known for his fast paced timing, witty humor and clever transitions. He aims to create work that the majority can relate to and connect with. He creates pieces that both entertain and question the observer, aiming to surprise, and transform the atmosphere in the audience.

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