Teaching artist Samantha Whelan Kotkas invites her cross-cultural teaching partner, Walter MacDonald White Bear, to talk about the work that they have done in many schools over the last six and a half years through the NAC Music Alive Program. Together they have shared music and stories inspired by the lessons of Turtle, Bear, Beaver, and Eagle.
This video is part of a four-part series on invoking the imagination through the arts for students of all ages. In this series, Samantha shares different ways music educators can invoke the imagination of others, create an environment that supports the discovery of individual artistic voice, and help people articulate their ideas in and through an art form like music.
Calgary Alberta Canada
Samantha Whelan Kotkas is a professional trumpet player, teaching artist, storyteller and award-winning children’s book producer with over 20 years working in the Alberta, Canada and International Arts communities. She performs regularly with the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra, Rosa Barocca, the Red Deer Symphony, Altius Brass and has authored several works which she has performed with Symphony Orchestras and Canada’s top jazz musicians.
Samantha is currently working on an immersive outdoor musical storytelling experience with original live and recorded music, story and dance called 'Wandering with Wonder'. This project will premiere at the Leighton Art Centre in the fall of 2020.
In conjunction with her active career as a performer, Samantha is the education advisor for Calgary Pro Musica and a teaching artist for the National Arts Centre of Canada (NAC) where she finds the cross-cultural work she does with Walter MacDonald White Bear, as part of the Music Alive Program, very meaningful. She has written outreach and music teaching guides for the NAC, the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra and the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra. She is also the brass instructor at Central Memorial High School in Calgary, Alberta Canada. For more information about Samantha please visit her website at www.samanthawhelankotkas.com
Music Alive Program Options:Samantha Whelan Kotkas est trompettiste professionnelle, artiste-enseignante, conteuse et productrice de livres pour enfants primée. Elle est active dans le monde des arts, tant en Alberta que sur la scène internationale, depuis une vingtaine d’années. Elle se produit fréquemment avec l’Orchestre philharmonique de Calgary, l’Orchestre symphonique de Red Deer et les ensembles Rosa Barocca et Altius Brass. Elle a interprété plusieurs de ses compositions avec de grands orchestres et musiciens de jazz du Canada.
Samantha se consacre actuellement à Wandering with Wonder, un projet d’expérience musicale et narrative immersive, en plein air, avec musique en direct et enregistrée, contes et danse. La première aura lieu au Centre des arts Leighton à l’automne 2020.
En parallèle à sa carrière d’interprète, Samantha enseigne les instruments de la famille des cuivres à l’école secondaire Central Memorial de Calgary, et est experte-conseil en éducation pour Calgary Pro Musica et artiste-enseignante affiliée au Centre national des Arts du Canada (CNA). Elle prend plaisir à animer des ateliers interculturels avec Walter MacDonald White Bear dans le cadre du Programme Vive la musique du CNA. Elle a de plus rédigé des guides pédagogiques et de médiation culturelle en musique pour le CNA, l’Orchestre philharmonique de Calgary et l’Orchestre symphonique de Winnipeg. Pour tout savoir sur Samantha, veuillez consulter son site Web (en anglais) : www.samanthawhelankotkas.com.
Options programme Vive la musique:Calgary Alberta Canada
Walter MacDonald White Bear is a Cree singer-songwriter, educator, and motivational speaker originally from the First Nation of Moose Factory, Ontario. Walter has been performing acoustic and flute music for many years. His music is a reflection of his personal journey as a First Nations person in Canada. Performance highlights include The Edmonton Folk Music Festival, The Chiefs Summit with Tom Jackson, The Dream Speakers Festival, The Mountain Song Native Theater, and the World Indigenous Peoples Conference on Education. Walter has shared his cultural knowledge with various audiences from correctional services to principals, teachers and students. He has been invited to give keynote speeches on a range of topics, including social services, justice, education, wellness and the environment.
Music Alive Program Options:Walter MacDonald White Bear est un auteur-compositeur-interprète, éducateur et conférencier cri, originaire de la Première nation de Moose Factory, en Ontario. Il joue de la musique acoustique et de la flûte depuis de nombreuses années. Sa musique témoigne de son parcours personnel en tant que membre des Premières nations au Canada. Il s’est produit notamment au Festival de musique folk d’Edmonton, au Chiefs Summit en compagnie de Tom Jackson, au festival Dreamspeakers, au Mountain Song Native Theatre et à la Conférence mondiale des peuples indigènes sur l’éducation. Walter a transmis son savoir culturel à divers auditoires : services correctionnels, directions d’école, enseignants et étudiants. Il a été invité à prononcer des discours sur un éventail de sujets, comme les services sociaux, la justice, l’éducation, le mieux-être et l’environnement.
Options programme Vive la musique: