NAC Dance

Get Into Dance


MOMIX, Alice © Sharon Bradford

Dance transcends mere movement; it's a fascinating artistic journey, an art form that speaks volumes. Dance powerfully conveys ideas, narratives, and emotions, whisking you away into a realm of awe and wonder.  

Perhaps you have never attended a dance performance before, or it may have been a while—either way, there's a performance awaiting you this season that promises to awaken your senses.  

Immerse yourself in the mesmerizing ensemble choreographies of Ballet BC, one of which is set to the iconic melody of Maurice Ravel's Boléro. Or, venture into uncharted territory with Le Patin Libre's spellbinding dance-on-ice performance, a spectacle unlike any other. Feel the exhilaration as the dancer-illusionists of MOMIX showcase their extraordinary physical prowess, or lose yourself in the timeless tale of love and tragedy portrayed by The National Ballet of Canada in the epic masterpiece, Giselle​.  

Step into the world of dance and let yourself be swept away.   

Ready to awaken your senses? Create your wishlist of dance performances today and save 15%* when you buy 3 or more shows.  
*The 15% discount is not applicable on the performance of The Nutcracker by Les Grands Ballets Canadiens 

Upcoming events

  1. In-person Video
    Artistes du Ballet BC et Arts Umbrella dans BOLERO X de Shahar Binyamini © Artistes du Ballet BC et Arts Umbrella dans <i>BOLERO X</i> de Shahar Binyamini

    The powerhouse dancers of Ballet BC fill the stage in this distinctive and innovative triple bill program featuring live orchestral music.

  2. In-person Video
    Des danseuses de ballet en costumes blancs et voilées se produisent sur scène, posant avec une jambe et les deux bras tendus, dans des directions opposées.  © Artistes du Ballet national du Canada dans <i>Giselle</i>

    Giselle is the epitome of Romantic ballet, brought to life by an exceptional cast. 

  3. In-person Video
    9 artistes sur patins en costumes violets se déplacent en formation sur la glace.  © Le Patin Libre,  Murmuration

    Dancers transform into flocks of birds in this dizzying ballet on ice that will take your breath away! 

  4. In-person Video
    Une artiste en robe blanche semble avoir six bras et se tient devant trois grandes roses rouges flottantes.  © MOMIX, Alice

    A multifaceted show featuring eight fabulous dancer-illusionists whose bodies metamorphose before our very eyes.

Past events

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