NAC Indigenous Theatre Opens Its Fifth Anniversary Season with Homelands

Powerful production from award-winning Six Nations choreographer Santee Smith and Kaha:wi Dance Theatre hits the stage September 19 and 20

September 6, 2024 – OTTAWA (Canada) – Braiding earthy and cinematic media, sound design, and performance, Homelands places Yethi’nihstenha / many womxn within the homelands and waters of Kahnyen’kehàka territory of upper state New York and around Ohswé:ken / Six Nations of the Grand River.

Presented alongside NAC Indigenous Theatre’s Days of Truth and Reconciliation programming and as part of the NAC’s SPHERE festival, Homelands celebrates the timeless kinship between Indigenous women, their lands, and waterways. Audiences will be immersed in a striking fusion of earthy visuals, cinematic media, and powerful performances on A'nowarà:ke (Turtle Island).

Santee Smith / Tekaronhiáhkhwa is a multidisciplinary artist from the Kahnyen’kehàka Nation, Turtle Clan, Ohswé:ken/Six Nations of the Grand River. Santee trained at Canada’s National Ballet School; holds Physical Education and Psychology degrees from McMaster University and an M.A. in Dance from York University. Kaha:wi Dance Theatre is a Rotinonhsyón:ni led company renowned for exquisitely produced and viscerally impactful performances, embodying stories that cultivate space for transformation, dialogue, and connection to Indigenous knowledge and experience. Founded in 2005 by Santee Smith, Kaha:wi (Ga-HA-Wee) means “to carry” in Kanyen’kéha.

Inviting the Land to Shape Us | SPHERE Festival Talk: On September 17, Santee speaks about her creative process which takes inspiration from her Rotinohnsyónni family legacy, and a vision to alignment with Onkwehónwe’néha – our way of life and Ka’satsténhsera’kówa Sa’oyé:ra, the immensity of the natural world. For more information, click here.

Tionnhehkwen, an Indigenous Dinner featuring Resident Chef Chris Commandant: We’re pleased to offer a delicious three-course dinner of Indigenous cuisine before the show on September 19, expertly crafted by NAC sous-chef, and Resident Chef (Fall 2024), Chris Commandant. To see the menu and purchase tickets, please visit the event page.

In observance of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and Orange Shirt Day, we proudly present a collection of virtual and in-person offerings, highlighting the strength and resilience of Indigenous cultures. These all-ages activities aim to educate and share the truths of Indigenous peoples, our stories, and the beauty of our communities. Additional activities are available here.


For more information and showtimes, please visit:


Indigenous Theatre at Canada’s National Arts Centre is made possible through the generous support of individuals and corporations from across the country. The National Arts Centre Foundation wishes to acknowledge the support of The Slaight Family Foundation, Presenting Sponsor BMO Financial Group, and Official Hotel Partner Ottawa Embassy Hotel & Suites. Thank you also to Meta, Presenting Partner of #ReconcileThis.


The National Arts Centre is Canada’s bilingual, multi-disciplinary home for the performing arts. The NAC presents, creates, produces, and co-produces performing arts programming in various streams — the NAC Orchestra, Dance, English Theatre, French Theatre, Indigenous Theatre, and Popular Music and Variety — and nurtures the next generation of audiences and artists from across Canada. The NAC is located in the National Capital Region on the unceded territory of the Anishinabe Algonquin Nation.



Ian Hobson
Communications Strategist, NAC Indigenous Theatre
National Arts Centre
(343) 588-0742

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