We are sharing colouring pages with Indigenous words from across Turtle Island featuring artwork created by Indigenous artists from the regions where these languages are spoken. Join us in colouring in these pages and share your work!
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Sylix words colouring pages
Artwork and translation by Kara Froese. Syilx is spoken by the Okanagan people in British Columbia. Artwork and translation by Kara Froese. Syilx is spoken by… Artwork and translation by Kara Froese. Syilx is spoken by the Okanagan people in British Columbia.
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Every Child Matters
Artwork created by Mairi Brascoupé, Megan Kyak Monteith, Ryan Pooman and Donna Langhorne. Artwork created by Mairi Brascoupé, Megan Kyak… Artwork created by Mairi Brascoupé, Megan Kyak Monteith, Ryan Pooman and Donna Langhorne.
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Salteaux words colouring pages
Artwork created by Ryan Pooman. Translation provided by Lorena Lynn Cote. Saulteaux is spoken in the central Canada by Plains Ojibwe.… Artwork created by Ryan Pooman. Translation provided… Artwork created by Ryan Pooman. Translation provided by Lorena Lynn Cote. Saulteaux is spoken in the central Canada by Plains Ojibwe.
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Anishinàbemowin (Algonquin) words colouring pages
Artwork created by Mairi Brascoupé. Translation from the Algonquin Picture Dictionary. Anishinabemowin is spoken in Eastern Ontario and… Artwork created by Mairi Brascoupé. Translation from… Artwork created by Mairi Brascoupé. Translation from the Algonquin Picture Dictionary. Anishinabemowin is spoken in Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec by the Algonquin.
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Cree words colouring pages
Artwork created by Donna Langhorne. Translation provided by Solomon Ratt. Cree is spoken across Canada from Alberta to Quebec by the Cree.… Artwork created by Donna Langhorne. Translation provided… Artwork created by Donna Langhorne. Translation provided by Solomon Ratt. Cree is spoken across Canada from Alberta to Quebec by the Cree.
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Inuktitut words colouring pages
Artwork created by Megan Kyak Monteith. Translation provided by Lucy Manniapik. Inuktitut is spoken in the central and eastern Arctic regions… Artwork created by Megan Kyak Monteith. Translation provided… Artwork created by Megan Kyak Monteith. Translation provided by Lucy Manniapik. Inuktitut is spoken in the central and eastern Arctic regions of Canada by Inuit.
Donna Langhorne
Donna Langhorne is a member of Fishing Lake First Nations and a resident of Air Ronge, Saskatchewan. She has been painting professionally for the past 10 years. She is a self-taught, versatile artist, comfortable in many different forms and genres. Donna has become widely recognized for her paintings in the Woodlands style on subjects addressing contemporary issues facing Indigenous people.
Her Seven Visions series, completed in 2017, has been selected for public display nationally by Artists Against Racism. Donna has received grants from the Canada Council for the Arts, the Saskatchewan Arts Board, and the Saskatchewan Foundation for the Arts.
Donna Langhorne est membre de la Première Nation de Fishing Lake et habite à Air Ronge, en Saskatchewan. Elle peint professionnellement depuis dix ans. C’est une artiste autodidacte et polyvalente, à l’aise dans de nombreux styles et genres différents. Donna est principalement connue pour ses peintures dans le style Woodlands sur des sujets qui traitent des problèmes contemporains des peuples autochtones.
Sa série Seven Visions, achevée en 2017, a été sélectionnée pour une exposition publique nationale par Artists Against Racism. Donna a reçu des subventions du Conseil des Arts du Canada, du Saskatchewan Arts Board et de la Saskatchewan Foundation for the Arts.
Ryan Pooman
Ryan is an Ojibwe painter and tattoo artist at Hightide Tattoo Parlour in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Ryan is Bear Clan and a member of Fort William First Nations. His art is inspired by traditional woodland paintings, stories, and his tattooing style. Ryan creates digital, and painted pieces.
Ryan est un peintre et artiste tatoueur ojibwé qui travaille au Hightide Tattoo Parlour à Thunder Bay, en Ontario. Ryan fait partie du clan de l’Ours et est membre de la Première Nation de Fort William. Son art s’inspire des peintures traditionnelles des bois, des récits et de son style de tatouage. Ryan crée des œuvres numériques et peintes.
Megan Kyak-Monteith
Inuk artist Megan Kyak-Monteith was born in 1997 and grew up in Pond Inlet, Nunavut. She earned her BFA in Interdisciplinary Studies at NSCAD University in 2019 and currently resides in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
In her practice, Kyak-Monteith often depicts her experiences growing up as an Inuk in Nunavut and Nova Scotia. Her works, centred around memory, are often exaggerated with scale and colour, adding an atmosphere that is similar to what she thinks distant memories appear.
Her illustrative works include books published by Inhabit Education and articles published in Inuit Art Quarterly, Inuktitut Magazine and The Walrus.
L’artiste inuite Megan Kyak-Monteith est née en 1997 et a grandi à Pond Inlet, au Nunavut. Elle a obtenu son baccalauréat ès arts en études interdisciplinaires à l’Université NSCAD en 2019 et habite présentement à Halifax, en Nouvelle-Écosse.
Dans sa pratique, Kyak-Monteith dépeint souvent ses expériences de jeune Inuite au Nunavut et en Nouvelle-Écosse. Ses œuvres, axées sur la mémoire, présentent souvent des perspectives et des couleurs démesurées, créant une atmosphère évocatrice de souvenirs lointains.
Parmi ses œuvres illustrées, on retrouve des livres publiés chez Inhabit Education et des articles parus dans Inuit Art Quarterly, Inuktitut Magazine et The Walrus.
NAC media featuring Megan Kyak-Monteith
Kara Froese
Kara Froese is the disabled maker behind Lotusberry Co. from the Upper Nicola Band. She specializes in digital illustration, upcycling, sewing, beading and crochet. She currently resides and creates in the unceded territory of the Qayqayt First Nation (New West, BC).
Native de la bande Upper Nicola, Kara Froese est l’artiste en situation de handicap derrière la marque Lotusberry Co. Elle se spécialise dans l’illustration numérique, le recyclage valorisant, la couture, le perlage et le crochet. Kara Froese vit et travaille sur le territoire non cédé de la Première Nation Qayqayt (New Westminster, en Colombie-Britannique).
NAC media featuring Kara Froese