Raven Davis is an Anishinaabe, 2-Spirit, trans, disabled multidisciplinary artist, and educator whose mother is from Treaty Four, Manitoba. Davis was born and raised in Michi Saagiig Territory (Toronto, Ontario.) Davis resides and works as a professional artist as well as curator fluidly between Michi Saagig Territory and Kjipuktuk, (Halifax, Nova Scotia.) A parent of three sons, Davis works within the mediums of painting, performance, and media. Challenging systemic oppression, Davis fuses narratives of colonization, race, gender, disability, transformative justice, and 2-Spirit/Indigiqueer identity in their work. Davis’ performance practice bravely embodies their lived experience, their relationship to colonial systems, intergenerational histories, lands, lives, and futures.
This expansive digital resource brings together artists and creative communities from across so-called Canada to explore the imperatives of abolition movements and their applications to our work in the theatre sector.