
Raven Davis

Last updated: October 27, 2022

Raven Davis is an Anishinaabe, 2-Spirit, trans, disabled multidisciplinary artist, and educator whose mother is from Treaty Four, Manitoba. Davis was born and raised in Michi Saagiig Territory (Toronto, Ontario.) Davis resides and works as a professional artist as well as curator fluidly between Michi Saagig Territory and Kjipuktuk, (Halifax, Nova Scotia.) A parent of three sons, Davis works within the mediums of painting, performance, and media. Challenging systemic oppression, Davis fuses narratives of colonization, race, gender, disability, transformative justice, and 2-Spirit/Indigiqueer identity in their work. Davis’ performance practice bravely embodies their lived experience, their relationship to colonial systems, intergenerational histories, lands, lives, and futures.

Projects & initiatives

resource Stages essay

Stages of Transformation

This expansive digital resource brings together artists and creative communities from across so-called Canada to explore the imperatives of abolition movements and their applications to our work in the theatre sector.