
Rashmi Rekha

Last updated: September 15, 2022

Born and raised in India, Rashmi haslived in Ottawa for most of her life. Despite her studies in Physics followed by a professional career in Information technology and business administration, art has remained a passion of hers which she pursues with vision and vigor by presenting her imagination and unique perspective through colourful images on the canvas.

Her paintings, which explore numerous mediums and surfaces, have been showcased within private businesses in Ottawa; such as CISTEL Corporation, as well as at the Midway Family Fun Park on Kaladar Avenue in Ottawa, and by several art collectors across the US and Canada. An international manufacturing company in Ottawa, ProSoya Inc. currently showcases 15 of her paintings in their office walls, and in their Atrium.

As an active member of Arts Network Ottawa, The ArtEast association, and Art Lending Ottawa, she has regularly participated in community exhibitions in Ottawa and Orleans and is an Artistic Mentor at Studio 507, Ottawa.

Her Artwork has been recognized and she have been granted a distinguished award by the Prime Minister of Canada in 2006.

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