
Marie-Eve Huot

Last updated: August 21, 2023

Defender of Childhood

Marie‑Eve Huot belongs to the new generation of artists committed heart and soul to theatre for young audiences. In 2007, she co-founded Théâtre Ébouriffé, where her directing credits include Cabaret au bazar, Un château sur le dos, Nœuds papillon and Des pieds et des mains. As an actor, she has appeared in several productions, including Wajdi Mouawad’s Assoiffés. Her direction of Suzanne Lebeau’s Une lune entre deux maisons earned her the Prix LOJIQ/RIDEAU Francophonie (2013). Her first play, Nœuds papillon, was published by Lansman Éditeur and has been performed in France, Poland and Mexico. In 2020, she participated in the Governor General’s Performing Arts Awards Mentorship Program as the protégée of mentor Suzanne Lebeau.

In 2021, having worked with the company for 13 years, Marie-Eve was appointed artistic director of Le Carrousel. That same year, she directed Antigone sous le soleil de midi, written for her by Suzanne Lebeau. A dedicated theatre professional, Marie-Eve is actively involved in the theatre community and has served on the board of directors of numerous organizations. Among other roles, she chaired Théâtres Unis Enfance Jeunesse for six years and served on the executive committee of the Chantier féministe organized by Théâtre Espace GO.

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  1. Canada Video
     Sur fond rose, une petite fille vêtue d'une robe blanche est penchée et regarde de haut la silhouette miniature d'un adulte.

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