choreographer and dancer

Laurie Young

Ottawa Ontario Canada

Last updated: February 11, 2020

Berlin based Canadian choreographer and dancer whose work focuses on the embodiment of unauthorized histories and their representation. Her work brings into focus how relationships are choreographed between human and other than human beings in the theater, museum and city. Along with her own choreographies, Laurie has been busy with interdisciplinary projects between arts and science and is a triple fellow of Volkswagen Foundations Arts and Science and Motion. Her work has been presented at the Sophiensaele, Naturkundemuseum Berlin, The Australian Museum, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Martin Gropius Bau amongst others. 

She danced at Le Groupe Dance Lab and was a founding member of Sasha Waltz and Guests and a former ensemble member of Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz.

Projects & initiatives


Visiting Dance Artist Program

Get to know Canadian and international dance artists who create works in a variety of genres and forms.