
Jonathan Fisher

Last updated: January 17, 2024

Jonathan Fisher is Bear Clan and Anishnabe from the Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory. Selected credits include: Dry Lips Oughta Move to Kapuskasing (Red Roots Theatre), fareWel (Prairie Theatre Exchange), New France (VideoCabaret), Copper Thunderbird (National Arts Centre), Tales of an Urban Indian (Talk Is Free Theatre), 400 Kilometers (Lighthouse Theatre), The Rez Sisters (Magnus Theatre), Night (Human Cargo), The Hours That Remain (Magnus Theatre), Elle (Theatre Passe Muiraille), The Berlin Blues and Ipperwash (Blyth Festival), Reckoning (Article 11), This Is How We Got Here (Native Earth/Shaw Festival), The Mush Hole (Kaha:wi Dance Theatre), and White Noise (Firehall Arts Centre).

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