FengYi Jiang

Last updated: April 26, 2023

FengYi is an international student who was born and raised in Qingdao, China where she studied dancing from a young age. She has worked as assistant TV director and appeared on local television shows. She graduated from Theatre Stage Management program, and she is now in her final year of MFA Theatre Design program in U of A. Previous design credits include Set for Dracula; Lighting for Chrysothemis, Iphigenia 2.0; Costumes for Richard III (Studio Theatre); A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Theatre Prospero); Sound for Hagar (Alma Theatre). Other main works includes: Pawâkan Macbeth (Theatre Prospero); 9 Parts of Desire (The Maggie Tree); Elektra, Turandot, Maria Stuarda (Edmonton Opera); Heathers (Citadel Young Company); Pacamambo (Cardiac Theatre).