Ellen Allers, originally from Port Hope, now resides in Ottawa with her husband, balancing her career at a local law firm with her passion for music. Allers' venture into music began by singing in choirs, which grew a passion that led her to pursue both the violin and piano. Taught by Jerzy Kaplanek and Yehonatan Berick, Allers earned her BMus and Chamber Music Diploma from Wilfrid Laurier University, followed by a MMus from the University of Ottawa. During summers, Allers participated in programs including QuartetFest, the VSO Orchestral Institute, and the National Youth Orchestra of Canada. Currently a regular member of the Ottawa Symphony Orchestra and Caelis Academy Ensemble, Allers continues to pursue her love of music.
Play it forward! A bold and innovative professional development initiative for talented emerging and early career professional orchestral creatives from around the world.