Putting their best face forward: Young dancers benefit from ballet make-up and hair workshop

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Young dancers learn tricks of the trade © Photo : Kirsten Andersen

You could feel the concentration in the room.  Ten young dancers, each with her own make-up station, watched intently as Alberta Ballet’s Skye Balfour-Ducharme and Alexandra Pera demonstrated step-by-step how to apply stage make-up.  Then it was their turn.  By the end of the two-hour session, the lovely ladies were in full make-up, snapping pictures of each other.

“They took it very seriously,” says Kirsten Andersen, Dance Outreach Coordinator at the NAC.  “After all, dance is their passion.  It’s not just a hobby for them.  This workshop taught them how to put their best face forward.”

The workshop is a new initiative for NAC Dance Education and Outreach.  Young artists were taken through the process of getting hair and make-up ready for a show by professional ballerinas.   “It’s about learning the tricks of the trade and increasing confidence as they go from studio to stage,” Kirsten explains.  “Hair and make-up is something you learn from watching other people so this is a huge opportunity for the participants.  It gives them a sneak peek into the life of a dancer.”

This story appears in the fall 2013 issue of Full Circle.

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